Wednesday, March 4, 2020

How Are The Rich Preparing For A Pandemic?

US supermarkets have been hit by panic buying. Photo: AFP

SCMP/Bloomberg: How America’s rich are preparing for a deadly coronavirus outbreak

* Some billionaires, bankers and other members of the US elite are calm. Others are getting anxious

One investor may fly to Idaho with or without family. A doctor in a Colorado ski town is soothing wealthy clients who want a cure. And one New Yorker called up the hospital with his name on it.

Like everyone across the US, the rich are bracing for a deadly coronavirus outbreak. Ken Langone, the co-founder of Home Depot Inc, watched President Donald Trump’s press conference and wondered if the media was overplaying the risk - but he also made two well-placed phone calls from his winter outpost in North Palm Beach.

One was to a top executive of NYU Langone Health, and the other was to a top scientist there. Both were reassuring.

“What I’ve been told by people who are smarter than me in disease is, ‘As of right now it’s a bad flu’,” said Langone, an 84-year-old who loves capitalism so much that he wrote a book called I Love Capitalism! He plans to come back to New York this month for an appointment. If he happens to feel sick, he will go to NYU Langone, and said he’d expect no special treatment.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It makes no difference if you are rich or poor. The best way to prevent yourself from getting infected is prevention. Wash your hands, minimize human contact, stay at home, make sure your bills are all paid and that you have some cash at home (small denominations), and have enough to survive for two to three months.


Anonymous said...

Only DEATH makes all people equal
the wealthy during the plagues of the middle ages found ways to leave and live where plague and crowds were not
today, if wealthy, you have no job to worry about and you have top health care..if you need work because you live from check to check, and if you have no health plan if you cannot afford doctors and check-ups you are not in the same situation as the very wealthy

Anonymous said...

Survival of the fittest means just that

Not survival of the best. Survival of the fittest. Fit/suited for whatever they inherit and want so badly willing to do whatever it takes.

We all know the name of this game and only the dumbest don't know and still lust for more. Bloomberg so clearly is fit for it.

Anonymous said...

It is cheap to prepare for 2 months of living at home if you prepare months or years ahead of time.
Canned goods with water already in it. Canned vegetables and soup are ideal. Then canned beef or stews for protein. Stock up and rotate it into your own meals as it nears expiration date.

Bottled water is cheap, so stock up.

Masks are cheap, so have a few.
Common over the counter drugs are cheap too.

Just the basics that cost very little.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for telling us how to live at home. Damn. Never would have figured that out. Water,you say? Canned goods? You some kind of wizard oozing knowledge? :)

Keto said...

it is good to keep anonymous when you make idiotic remarks

RussInSoCal said...

Note to add - remember your home's water heater just standing there with 50 gallons of potable.

/and of course plenty of ammo - and means to deliver it.

AZuLike said...

Dam so if I drive the bus for the city Im screwed..