Thursday, March 5, 2020

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Chief Says Coronavirus May Be A U.S. Biological Attack Targeting China And Iran

Hossein Salami (pictured), the head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, has today claimed that the coronavirus outbreak could be a biological attack by the United States

Daily Mail: Iranian revolutionary guard chief claims coronavirus outbreak 'may be the product of an American biological invasion' aimed at China and Iran

* Hossein Salami told a crowd in Kerman that virus outbreak could be deliberate
* Revolutionary Guards commander vowed Iran will 'win the fight' against virus
* Scientists believe the virus jumped from animals to humans in China late in 2019

The head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards has today claimed that the coronavirus outbreak could be a biological attack by the United States against China and Iran.

Hossein Salami told a crowd in Kerman today that the virus outbreak which has brought misery to Iran 'may be the product of the American biological invasion'.

'We will win in the fight against the virus, which may be the product of the American biological invasion, which it first spread to China and then to Iran and the rest of the world,' he declared.

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More News On Iranian Revolutionary Guard Chief Hossein Salami Saying The Coronavirus May Be A U.S. Biological Attack Targeting China And Iran

IRGC Says Coronavirus Outbreak Is ‘Biological Warfare’ By America, 3,500 Infected -- Radio Farda
Iranian nation will get through this biological warfare: Salami -- MEHR News Agency
Сoronavirus may be a product of US ‘biological attack’ aimed at Iran & China, IRGC chief claims -- RT
Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander says coronavirus may have been caused by US biological attack -- FOX News
Coronavirus Conspiracy? Iranian Commander Suggests Virus Might Be U.S. Biological Weapon -- RFE
Iranian General: Coronavirus Is A Manmade Bio-Weapon -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

Then Iranians are just 'following suit.'

The PRC already went there.

Dave Goldstein said...

Blame the US but China is where it came from and probably escaped from a bio lab in wuhan

Sam said...

Crispr does exist... China would use this tech irresponsibly.