Saturday, March 7, 2020

Is China's Coronavirus Recovery 'Fake'?

The Week: China's coronavirus recovery is 'all fake,' whistleblowers and residents claim

China's claims of how it's handling coronavirus recovery should be taken with more than a few grains of salt.

Even before COVID-19 became a global crisis, Chinese leaders had been criticized for their handling of the situation and lack of transparency about the disease's progression. Things now look like they're on the upswing, and businesses even appear to be headed back to work — but whistleblowers and local officials tell Caixan that's just a carefully crafted ruse.

Beijing has spent much of the outbreak pushing districts to carry on business as usual, with some local governments subsidizing electricity costs and even installing mandatory productivity quotas. Zhejiang, a province east of the epicenter city of Wuhan, claimed as of Feb. 24 it had restored 98.6 percent of its pre-coronavirus work capacity.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: All my friends and contacts in China are telling me that quarantines, school closings, and restrictions are still in force. Bottom line. China is still far away from any semblance of recovery.


Jac said...

What a surprise!

RussInSoCal said...

China's male population (and probably female as well) are starting this epidemic from a generally less healthy status quo then that of the West - North America particular. Almost all men in China smoke. The average age males start smoking cigarettes is 15. Add in a poor diet - as evidenced from these "wet markets" - and the generally bad state of well being. The dirtiest air, dirtiest water and generally the most polluted country on the planet.

No wonder this virus is wreaking havoc in China. Likely the same patterns will be evident in every region C19 breaks out in.

Anonymous said...

Sad. You look better when you comment on things you have a clue about. This was pathetic.

RussInSoCal said...

anon 12:14

Wanna clarify/argue that or just drop your mouse turd and scurry off?

Anonymous said...

Excellent point Russinsocal. Food for thought. You would enjoy a book called Guns Germs and Steel. By Jarod Diamond.

Anonymous said...

China is perhaps a super polluted place but India no better or catching up and the virus knows no boundaries, it seems, and thus in the US, no matter pollution or not it is spreading and will continue doing so, and thus pointing to China for what it is like may make some feel better it really does not matter. This virus is not coming simply from the air one breathes

Anonymous said...

Meh, I'm not so sure. I'm no fan of Russ but he has a very valid point.
I worry for similar countries like India, this outbreak is barely getting started, this is just the opening shots.

As for China, they're fooked mate...

RussInSoCal said...

Btw. I’m not trying to argue that c19 is airborne. My point was that the virus primarily affects respiratory system. So it afflicts those with already compromised systems much more severely. Also that the state of public health in large Chinese cites is poor.

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