Sunday, March 15, 2020

Is Iran’s 'Worst Nightmare' Coming True?

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei meets with people of Qom, in Teheran, Iran, January 9, 2019. Official Khamenei website/Handout via REUTERS

PJ Media: Iran’s 'Worst Nightmare' Coming True: Middle Eastern Shiites Rise Up Against It

The regime in Tehran is in lots of trouble these days. As U.S. sanctions tighten, at least a quarter of Iran’s oil rigs are now out of action, “dealing a potentially long-term blow to its oil industry.” The coronavirus “has now spread to every province in the country and people are fearful that the true scale of the outbreak is even worse than is being disclosed.”

And if those and other severe pressures aren’t enough, Shiites in countries that Shiite Iran seeks to dominate are now telling Iran to go home and get off their backs.

That’s the story told by Hanin Ghaddar, a Lebanese expat and an analyst for the Washington Institute for Near East policy:

In Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, and inside Iran itself—the countries that fall along the Shia Crescent—the people have realized that the enemy is within. It’s their own governments that have allowed the Iranian regime to take over the state and its institutions…. The Shia Crescent…is finally turning against the Iranian regime and its proxies.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: In the current situation Iran is not the only country facing a nightmare in the Middle East. The collapsed of oil prices is impacting every nation in the region, the wars and conflicts continue, and the Covid-19 Coronavirus knows no boundaries.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch...

To clarify, directed only at the Ayatollah's, Basij and everyone's favourite, the IRGC...

Anonymous said...

LOL. Regime changers never change.

Keep hope alive! Any day now! Dopes.

Anonymous said...

A dope would be you, for not wanting/hoping the Iranian people break the yoke of the Ayatollah's...

I'd be surprised if any sane reader of this blog disagreed

Are you a terror loving Twelver awaiting your Mahdi???

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you solved the case! That's exactly what I am.

I think it's really cool and effective to demonize a country; brutalize and cause severe damage to regular Persians because America is still BUTTHURT over the embassy takeover 40 years ago.

I got a great idea, let's bring Capt. Rogers out of retirement, have him shoot down another airliner then give him another medal. That's a faster way to kill Iranians than denying them medicine or the ability to conduct commercial activity.

Anonymous said...

Captain Rogers was in an active combat zone.

The Iranian shot down of the Ukrainian jet was not.

Just, because you do not know how many Iranians were ordered to pull triggers, push buttons, or clear minefields with their bare feet, does not mean it never happened.

You have so many great ideas, you believe it is a great idea to fly over a combat area.

Anonymous said...

AEGIS combat system performed like a champ that day!!! Those Airbus jets are easily confused for fighters. Great job Lockheed. Here's another $$trillion$$.

B.Poster said...

This is emphatically not Iran's worst nightmare. In fact it's likely the Ayatollah's best gift.

They been able to use the COVID-19 hoax to eliminate undesirables, pressure is growing to eliminate sanctions that to Herculean efforts to put in place and maintain, and Iran is in negotiations with the IMF for loans.

They wouldn't be in such negotiations unless the outcome had been determined in advance. Essentially ssnctions are about to be lifted and Itan is going to get low interest loans to help their oil industry or however else they wish to use it. This is far from a nightmare for them. I'd think they'd view this as a godsend, arguably the best thing that's ever happened to them.

As for America, our nightmare may just be beginning. We are close to shutting down our economy just as China is reopening theirs. Furthermore China is engaging in an information campaign suggesting America introduced COVID-19. This is going virtually unopposed. Coupled with the massive economic pain our overreaction has caused I can envision massive blowback against us coming AND in the unlikely event this does result in a worldwide massive death toll the blowback against us is even worse.

The world will deem us responsible. There's no information campaign on our part to counter this. Either way our demise would be deemed justified!!

As for countries like Iran this thing is far from a nightmare!! It's the best thing to ever happen to them and as for American leaders who pushed this it is the stupidest move ever made by a major world power even dumber than our choice to enter Ukraine. Good poker players our leadership isn't.

Anonymous said...

AEGIS or now AEGIS, under the stress of combat many things can happen.

You know nothing of Aegis besides what Time and Newsweek tell you.

The Gulf was an active war zone with American ships getting blown up by mines and missiles.

Ships as in plural.