Thursday, March 19, 2020

It's Been An Interesting Few Days

WNU Editor: I would think that by hiding out in my chalet since Monday that I would be left alone. That has not happened. People that I have not talked to for a very long time are calling me. And as for family. My brother and I talk every day for an hour or two. That also includes my cousins in Russia and Ukraine, as well as some of their kids who now run the family business who want my advice .... correction .... need my advice and direction. And then there are all of my contacts and friends around the world, who now have the time to talk and socialize. Needless to say that this has been counter-productive on posting news and commentary for this blog, but personally it has been a great and healthy experience. Then there are all of you who read and follow this blog. Your personal messages are appreciated, and I hope and pray that all of you are OK and staying healthy.


Anonymous said...

Hi WNU Editor; love the site, follow it daily. I'm in and out of society still a bit, but at least work is remote now and I do have plenty of supplies if we are locked down. Geno in Baltimore, MD

War News Updates Editor said...

Thanks Geno.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Editor. We too hope all readers are OK and staying healthy. Except for Fred.

Anonymous said...

Moscow (AFP) - While President Vladimir Putin has reassured the public that the virus pandemic is under control, many Russians instinctively distrust the official claims and fear the true situation is much worse.

They look back to past disasters from the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear explosion to 2010 forest fires, when the initial official reaction was to cover up the truth.

In this case, Russia reacted quickly in late January as the virus epidemic raged in China, closing its border that runs for 4,200-kilometres (miles) and banning entry to most Chinese citizens including tourists.

As late as March 6, Russia had only 10 cases on its soil. But the numbers then began rising swiftly and on a single day on Wednesday leapt by 29 percent to 147.

Anonymous said...

WNU Editor - so grateful for all your timely updates - this isolation would be so much worse without you! Stay safe!

Antitroll said...

WNU Edito, grateful for all you do sir. I've been coming to this blog for nearly 13 years

jimbrown said...

It's time for Defcon11.

Send an ebook COVID19 gift to get us to the other side.