Friday, March 6, 2020

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 6, 2020

Erdoğan and Putin shake hands after a ceasefire in Idlib was announced on March 5. Michael Klimentyev/Sputnik

The Conversation: Why Turkey can’t expect military support from NATO over attacks in Syria

A ceasefire has begun in the Syrian province of Idlib after an agreement was reached between Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow on March 5.

Conflict had escalated in the province after Syrian government forces, supported by Russian air power, killed at least 34 Turkish troops in late February. In response, Turkey, a NATO member, requested support from the North Atlantic Council, the alliance’s main political decision-making body.

While NATO publicly condemned the air strikes by the Russia-backed Assad regime and urged both Russia and Syria to respect international law, Turkey should not expect the alliance to trigger Article 5 – its collective military response mechanism.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- March 6, 2020

Turkey will not abandon its military stations in Idlib, Erdogan says -- Middle East Eye

Turkey’s 21st century art of war -- TRT World

Russian S-400 Air Defence Systems Will Enter Service in Turkey in April - Erdogan -- Sputnik

Erdogan Risks Sanctions With April Date for Activating Russian S-400s -- Bloomberg

Turkey deploys 1,000 police at Greek border as tensions rise -- The Guardian

Greece places Aegean on alert as concerns mount of Turkish provocations -- Ekathimerini

To combat the China threat, US Marine Corps declares ship-killing missile systems its top priority -- Defense News

Officials Prepare to Keep Pentagon Building Running in Event of Major Coronavirus Outbreak --

Pentagon is 'fully confident' military can withstand threat of coronavirus: Esper -- FOX News

DOD Finalizing Coronavirus Plan for Pentagon -- Air Force Magazine

Service surgeons general voice concern about military health care reforms -- Military Times

Nuclear Threats Are Growing: How Should U.S. Missile Defenses Be Upgraded? -- Forbes

The U.S. Military Is Dead Wrong: Hypersonic Weapons Can Be Defeated -- David Axe, National Interest

The Pentagon Wants a Mix of Hypersonic Weapons. Here’s Why --

Pentagon to Spend Billions Mass-Producing Hypersonic Weapons -- National Defense

Study finds taller, heavier female soldiers outperform smaller peers -- Army Times

Pentagon Failed to Vet Saudi Military Recruit Who Killed 3 Americans -- Washington Free Beacon

AFRICOM recovered Hellfire missile lost in Niger drone crash -- Military Times

Even Republicans Are Angry at Trump Administration Over Potential Military Cuts in Africa -- Foreign Policy

Pentagon Failed to Collect Payment for $1 Billion in Fuel, Bombs and Services Sent to Allies, Accountability Office Finds -- Newsweek

U.S. aircraft carrier visits Vietnam to celebrate diplomatic ties -- UPI

Brazil and United States Sign Unprecedented Military Agreement -- Folha de S.Paulo

U.K. Defense Secretary Says Nation Shouldn’t Always Assume American Support -- Air Force Magazine

British army on standby over coronavirus spread -- Al Jazeera

Canadian military needs to be 30-per-cent women for real change: vice-admiral -- Richmond News/Canadian Press

Pentagon push to boost cybersecurity could affect Canadian suppliers -- CBC News

Canadian military starts initial preparations for responding to pandemic -- Ottawa Citizen

Precarious Lack of Engineers May Keep Norwegian F-35s Grounded – Report -- Sputnik

Norway Quarantines 1,300 Soldiers in Military Base After Coronavirus Confirmed -- Bloomberg

Nuclear 'blitzkrieg': NATO ally Latvia fears Russia will stage swift invasion using small nukes -- Washington Examiner

Behind Moscow’s Arms Control Offensive -- Stephen Blank, Euraisa Daily Monitor

Russia puts a limit on military medals -- Asia Times

Indian Army Uses Anti-Tank Missiles to Target Pakistani Army Positions – Video -- Spuntik

These 6 military habits -- kick 'em or stick with 'em? -- Task & Purpose


Anonymous said...

In the military category we have:

Lord of the Flies

20 Future Democrat Voters attack 14 year old girl in Democrat Occupied New York City.

Oberführer de Blasio Presiding.

No this is not about civil war. Too disorganized for that. This is strictly Lord of the Flies.

Anonymous said...

President Donald Trump said he intends to cut entitlement programs during a town hall forum in Pennsylvania on Thursday night.

When Fox News host Martha MacCallum suggested that if “you don’t cut something in entitlements, you will never really deal with the debt,” Trump jumped in right away.

“Oh, we’ll be cutting,” he said to an audience in Scranton. “We’re also going to have growth like you’ve never seen before.”

The move would represent a change of direction, as Trump has generally maintained that he does not intend to trim such programs. In a tweet last month, he wrote: “We will not be touching your Social Security and Medicare in Fiscal 2021 Budget.”

He has occasionally walked back similar comments on cutting entitlements. At the World Economic Forum in Davos in January, for example, the president was asked by a moderator how he would handle federal entitlement programs. He responded by saying “at some point they will be” on the chopping block. In a follow up question, when he was asked about Medicare, in particular, Trump said “we’re going to look” at it. In the following months, the president never attempted to enact cuts.

In the midst of the Democratic primary, Trump’s remarks could receive particular attention for another reason: the location in which he delivered them. Pennsylvania, one of the most consequential battlegrounds of the general election, is a top target for Democrats looking to defeat Trump in the state scored a victory against Hillary Clinton in 2016. It’s also the home state of former Vice President Joe Biden, a favorite punching bag of the president, who is surging as the 2020 frontrunner after a series of Super Tuesday wins.

Anonymous said...

Democrats in the House and Senate introduced legislation Friday that would require all employers to grant workers paid sick days in light of the global coronavirus spread.

The bill unveiled by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) would mandate all employers to let workers accrue seven days of paid sick leave and immediately provide 14 additional days when there is a public health emergency.

Health authorities have been encouraging Americans to stay home if they feel sick to help prevent potential spread of the coronavirus, but the lack of a federal guarantee for paid leave has raised concerns that some workers — especially in the service and restaurant industries — might not be able to follow those guidelines.

“The lack of paid sick days could make coronavirus harder to contain in the United States compared with other countries that have universal sick leave policies in place,” DeLauro, who chairs the House Appropriations subcommittee overseeing federal health agencies, said in a statement. "Low-income workers and their families could be hit even harder by the virus, as low wage jobs are at the forefront of not providing sick leave benefits."

The two Democrats expressed concern that given the choice between staying home sick and going unpaid, low-wage workers would still show up to work, potentially spreading the virus in their communities.

“Workers want to do the right thing for themselves, their families, and their communities — so especially in the middle of public health crises like this, staying home sick shouldn’t have to mean losing a paycheck or a job," Murray said.

Anonymous said...


Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) on Friday challenged former Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden to take his AR-15-style rifle from his congressional office in Washington, D.C.

"I have just one message for Joe Biden and [former Rep.] Beto O’Rourke [D-Texas), if you want to take everyone’s AR-15s, why don’t you swing by my office in Washington, D.C. and start with this one?" Buck tweeted.

"Come and take it," he added. The tweet also had a video of Buck taking the gun off of his office wall and holding it.

I have just one message for Joe Biden and Beto O’Rourke, if you want to take everyone’s AR-15s, why don’t you swing by my office in Washington, D.C. and start with this one?

Anonymous said...

Seriously, my only concern when my spouse visited a Deep Blue shithole once known as LA a short time ago, was not that they would catch corona virus, but that they would be assaulted or battered by a Luddite Democrat voter.

Let's be honest here. Democrat Leaders and the Democrat Press have every Morlok worked up to a fever pitch so that they will burn books, Kristallnacht, push Jews into ovens, or assault Asian Americans.

The DA only arrested this man only because there was a national press tsunami. Other wise he would have let the Democrat voter go.

"Another suspect arrested after attack on Asian man collecting cans caught on video, SFPD says"

The Racist Hate Crime Caught on Video Shocked San Fran, Soros' DA Let Him Go

Of course red diaper doper baby, Chesa Boudin did!

Anonymous said...

"Not reflective? Please. This is half of WorldStarHipHop. This is routine stuff. The difference is that, like the attacks on Orthodox Jews in Crown Heights and Williamsburg, it's being caught on video and going viral."

Some idiots are safe because they do not live in Crown Heights or Williamsburg, but they will witlessly opine that NYC is a safe city.

Walk around there airhead.

Anonymous said...

If the idiot takes up the challenge, walks around NYC to prove a point and get polarbeared by a Democrat voter, well there is always WorldStarHipHop.

Anonymous said...

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Come the Revolution
The “Principles First” conservative summit in Washington, DC was about much more than NeverTrump
Cathy Young
Cathy Young
Mar 6 · 15 min read
L to R: Sarah Quinlan, Benji Backer, Shermichael Singleton, Rina Shah, and Reed Howard at the final panel of the Principled Conservatism Summit | Photo Credit: Cathy Young

“I often start with a George Orwell quote: ‘In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’

Welcome to the revolution.”

So said Republican activist, political commentator, and self-styled “rabble-rouser” Tara Setmayer at Saturday’s “Principled Conservatism” summit, a one-day event organized by Principles First (a grassroots movement launched by Boston-based business consultant Heath Mayo) and Stand Up Republic (headed by Evan McMullin, the former CIA officer and centrist Republican who ran for president as an independent in 2016).

The summit, billed as an alternative to the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) where Donald Trump spoke on the same day, had a distinct NeverTrump cachet and brought together some notable NeverTrump conservatives: Pundits Charlie Sykes, William Kristol, Mona Charen, Tom Nichols, and David Frum; political activists Amanda Carpenter, Tim Miller, and Rick Wilson. As a result, it got the inevitable attention of right-wing figures like columnist Kurt Schlichter and American Greatness writer Julie Kelly, who love to go on and on … and on … about how the NeverTrumpers are just a bunch of embarrassing and completely irrelevant losers that no one, absolutely no one cares about. (Kelly, who once asserted that “a big majority of [NeverTrump] is Jewish,” attended the two morning panels but sadly missed the opportunity to head-count the Jooz.)

Anonymous said...

15-minute coronavirus blood test is being used in China, Italy and Japan - but NOT in the UK or US because health officials have yet to approve it

Anonymous said...

(Kelly, who once asserted that “a big majority of [NeverTrump] is Jewish,” attended the two morning panels but sadly missed the opportunity to head-count the Jooz.)

You stumbled onto the truth and then kept going not realizing it.

A lot of Never Trumpers are Neoconservatives, who are 'cultural Jews'. Donlt know if a one of them could find or recognize a synagogue.

Never Trumpers are Jonah Goldberg, Bill Kristol, Jennifer Rubin, Max Boot, etc It is a large number.

Bill Kristol & Max Boot will now remain on the margins forever. Don't know about Goldberg. Best economy in years. Trump trying to get us out of wars and Never Trumpers are whining. Go figure. Stupidity knows no bounds.

Now, Never Trumper Stephen Edward Schmidt is not Jewish (at least to my knowledge), but no one likes him except RINOs. He was McCain's campaign manager and a notorious backstabber before Trump arrived on the scene.

Jeb Bush is a Never Trumper. He doesn't count. When it was time to stand up and be counted, he didn't stand up. He is a nobody, a rich nobody, but still a nobody.

We could go through the whole list.

But if we go through the list, you have to know what the universe is so we can accurately gage the fractions.

Anonymous said...

15-minute coronavirus[sic] blood test is being used in China, Italy and Japan - but NOT in the UK or US because health officials have yet to approve it

The timetable for development is probably codified by law and regulation. Tell us what the time of the critical path is.

Trump wants a vaccine in a month and the bureaucrats not coup d'etat deep-staters by hide bound bureaucrats (deep state nonetheless) told it would take a year. What Trump wanted was a forced march like development program like there was for the 1st pentium chip.

Seriously, parrot, where are you going to get the chemicals for those test kits. Do you know how long the supply chain is? Or that it starts in China? you going to fly those chemicals here? If you do maybe you should mortgage that shack you live in. Or put a second mortgage on it to pay for the air delivery.

Bird Brain is just clueless.

Bob Huntley said...

Is America great, was it ever?

"The US has gotten to the point where it’s simply squandering the potential that made it a great nation.

It is not the military strength that makes it great. That merely makes it dangerous.

Economy doesn’t make it great. It merely speaks to how much it generates through trade and fails to say anything about the shocking wealth inequality and national debt.

What made the United States great is that it had the potential to be a better place for everyone that sought it out. The American Dream was a possibility that everyone could head to the US and improve themselves, better their circumstances and lives. That potential has now been severely lessened.

The US is a corporate oligarchy run by those rich enough to buy the politicians and in effect, the courts including the Supreme Court.

The Country is now led by a corrupt individual who acts like a Mob boss, speaks like a ten-year-old, and has the fragile ego of a rampant narcissist that has never bettered himself.

The US could be a world leader. It could set a shining example for everyone, serving as a beacon of culture, social development, economic and technological innovation, and moral fortitude. Instead, it’s become a culture that embraces anti-intellectualism, dismisses truth as being inconsequential, and attacks those that are different. Not true of all Americans - but this is the US presented to the world by the President.

It is fast becoming a nation that squandered any moral authority, abandons allies to massacre, threatens their friends with economic sanctions if they don’t do what the President wants, and puts their national security at risk for his personal gain. A nation looking much as Germany in the 1930s did.

A nation where that same President (he who is supposed to unify the country) perpetually attacks his own people, encourages right-wing extremism, and flouts the rule of law. He images himself as a King rather than a temporary appointee holding the trust of his office. The country is heading for the same status

The world laments the lost potential, and will slowly back away from America, and leave it to the isolation that the President desires.

That is because the world does not want this nonsense to spread any more than it would like to sign up for a fresh batch of Coronavirus.

Of the two, Trump’s twisted brand of jingoistic isolationism, blatant narcissism and anti-reality narratives is far more dangerous. The virus at worst can only kill. Trump’s behavior is worse as it eats away at the very soul of the nation, and twists it into something it should not have become."

Somewhat modified but basically written by a concerned writer.

Anonymous said...

Bob Huntley said...
Is America great, was it ever?

The Canadian Health Care Myth

Is Canada great?

Was it ever?

Bob Huntley. The worst trolling bastard ever. Zero talent.

Bob Huntley said...

That's it? That is all you can muster in response to that great post of mine? You give up much too easily.