Saturday, March 7, 2020

Picture Of The Day

South Korean soldiers wearing protective gear move to spray disinfectant as part of preventive measures against the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, at Dongdaegu railway station in Daegu on 29 February 2020. South Korea confirmed 594 more coronavirus cases on 29 February, the biggest increase to date for the country and bringing the national total to 2,931 infections with three additional deaths. © AFP 2020 / YONHAP

WNU Editor:
The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... This Week in Pictures: 29 February - 6 March (Sputnik).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The governments think DISINFECTING a virus with such measures would work and would EASE THE MINDS in the population.


It doesn't work.

You cannot disinfect the environment.

You cannot even disinfect a lab that easily. It is really, really hard to kill 100% of a virus. Nearly impossible. Certainly will NEVER work like this.

On top, all these militaries and people in hazmat suits are increasing the populations panick by a factor unmeasurable. It is beyond idiotic and all health officials who authorized such measures should be fired in the aftermath of this - it is the absolute wrong thing to do and put people at risk!

Because we now have panic buys and people flooding hospitals on the slightest scare. 99% are just cough.

The death toll is also way overreported by both media and health officials.

Because we all know people underreport.

Likely this virus has spread already into every corner of the world. Sterilizing is such a stupid thing to do it makes my brain hurt. You are taking resources. You are instilling panick. You are causing panick buys. You are causing elderly and the actual immunocompromised not to see healthcare THEY need because you MAKE EVERYONE PANIC


I hope they get fired for real.