Thursday, March 5, 2020

Report: US Congressional Staffer Tests Positive for Coronavirus

WNU Editor: Aside from the above Tucker Carlson video and a few blogs reporting this story, there has been no official confirmation that a US Congressional staffer has been tested positive for the coronavirus.


RussInSoCal said...

I live 60 miles south of Los Angeles and I've made it a point to never go there. Never fly out of LAX, no restaurants, no plays, no nothing - well before this newest disease outbreak. Typhus, Typhoid fever, Bubonic plague, aggressive panhandling and dangerous mentally ill zombies running free. You can imagine what would happen if C19 broke out there.

These pests were common along the many sections dominated by tents and populations of homeless several years ago. Now its prevalent along any freeway exit. L.A. is a magnet for it. Free needles, no anti-camp laws and temperate weather. Add in a city leadership utterly paralyzed with political correctness and a rampant drug culture.

Basically your typical deep blue American urban shithole. Looking hard at un-assing to Idaho.



Anonymous said...

911 had one positive aspect. The Homeless were kicked out of airport terminals.

I agree with Russ's assessment of LA:

Basically your typical deep blue American urban shithole.

Note how Nancy Pelosi's country estate has walls and a gate like Roman Senators villas of old. When it got worse back then, they added a tower tor two and they became castles.

RussInSoCal said...

Actually the wrong post to thread title. Saw the LAX blurb in the video and “triggered”. (shrug)