Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Russian President Putin Says He Has No Objection To Run Again For President In 2024

RT: Putin has no objection to possibility of running for president in 2024

The Russian president says a suggestion by MPs that would see presidential terms reset, thus allowing him to run again in 2024, would be acceptable should it be supported by citizens and approved by the Constitutional Court.

“I believe and am deeply convinced that a strong presidential power is absolutely necessary for our country,” Putin stated in his address to the State Duma. However, the public should have guarantees that elections – including presidential elections – are competitive and there is also “an alternative.”

Putin was referring to a suggestion by Valentina Tereshkova, a United Russia MP famous for being the first woman in space, to alter a proposed amendment limiting future presidents to only two terms. Backing up her proposal, she mentioned some “unpredictable risks” to the country, meaning that “reliable insurance” is needed.

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WNU Editor: Russian President Putin's message on running for another Presidential is confusing. On the one hand he says that he would not mind if he ran again, but on the other hand he says that there is no need to eliminate Presidential term limits .... Putin Says No Need to Do Away With Presidential Term Limits (Sputnik). More here .... Putin thinks removal of presidential terms limit unviable (TASS). What's my prediction. Rhetoric aside he is now moving heaven and earth to position himself to run again.

Update: He can now do it if these constitutional amendments are approved in a referendum .... Putin supports legislation allowing him to run for fifth term as Russian president (The Hill).

More News On Russian President Putin Saying He Has No Objection To Run Again For President In 2024

Putin paves way for another presidential term -- BBC
Putin backs amendment allowing him to remain in power -- ABC News
Putin backs proposal allowing him to remain in power in Russia beyond 2024 -- The Guardian
Putin Sets Path to Stay On as Russia’s President to 2036 -- Bloomberg
Putin backs amendment that could see him run Russia until 2036 -- CNN
Putin says zeroing out previous office terms possible if approved by Constitutional Court -- TASS


Anonymous said...

Putin is signaling to the Clintons that he will back them and the the Democrats to the hilt.

Anonymous said...

horse shit
he is telling butt boy Trump top try this too

Anonymous said...

A lot of gay terminology in the last post. It is 2020. Come out of the closet.