Thursday, March 12, 2020

Should The U.S. Declare A State Of Emergency?

WNU Editor: If the stock market continues to crash. Panic buying and hoarding is widespread. And more importantly .... the numbers of Americans infected with the Covid-19 Coronavirus continues to grow exponentially. The pressure from politicians, the media, and the public to declare one will be massive.


Anonymous said...

Vague Pence says Americans returning from coronavirus 'epicenter' Europe will be 'funneled' through THIRTEEN designated airports before 14-day self-quarantine - but gives NO specifics, as experts warn Trump's travel ban won't stop virus spread

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

A jubilant troll sense victory at the expense of others deaths. What else can you expect from a power mad liberal?

Let's look at an analogy. During the Battle of the Bulge the tin forces ahead of Battle Group Peiper could not stop him. they would be annihilated. But they could slow him.

This they did by slowing the German advance. Slowing consisted of actions like a company of engineers blowing a bridge to temporarily stop the NAZI Juggernaut. That allowed an allied build up on the flanks and the victory of the allies.

Slowing the spread of the corona flu by restricting air travel will allow time for development, trials and approval of vaccines for a possible resurgence of the flu after summer is over.

I wouldn't expect liberal humanities majors or Russian trolls to agree.
