Sunday, March 29, 2020

The People Responsible For The World's Food Supply Are Starting To Get Sick

Zero Hedge: Don't Look Now But The People Responsible For The World's Food Supply Are Starting To Get Sick

Sanderson Farms, a large poultry manufacturer and Smithfield Foods, the world's largest pork producer, have both reported their first couple of positive cases of coronavirus.

This raises the obvious question: what happens when people critical to the world's food supply start to fall ill?

As of now, there has been no such disruption - but it is beginning to morph into a massive threat, Bloomberg notes, with workers in close quarters preparing and processing food globally. Aside from the obvious threat of food not making it to consumers, things like fruits may also wind up rotting in fields if there aren't enough workers to pick and cultivate them.

Read more ....

WNU Editor
: The world's richest nations will make sure that their supply chains for food will function normally. Heaven help the rest of the world who are too poor to make such a guarantee.


Anonymous said...

Are you still reposting ZeroHedge "stories"? In typical ZH format: this one again (of course) has no references or supporting links.

No proof = fake news.

RussInSoCal said...

Zero hedge is a good source in and of itself. But it does routinely take the most pessimistic angle to economic write ups. There is truth to the story that the Wuhan Coronavirus virus will affect the food supply chain. But the supply will continue.

And WNU’s comment that the less wealthy / poor will be hardest his is spot on.

The eager doomsayers might want to temper their prognostications of a 12 week economic shut down. The blow back might be significant.

Anonymous said...

ZeroHedge has been calling for an end to a) the dollar, b) the euro, c) the world, BUT... and importantly - and that shows how reliable they are... d) never ever anything bad happening in Russia.. Mother Russia rises.. no problems over there

ZH is as much worth as that thing I found lurking at the bottom of my toilet..

Anonymous said...

You are looking at 10-14 days recovery time.

For some, even less. An uncle of mine got it (and was tested positive for it) and he was back on his feet after just over a week.

Another case of sensational journalism at play.

This is why we are in the economic mess that we are now. Because of irresponsible collective journalism driving on hysteria.

No one is giving out any encouragement at all, not enough to drown out what the media is reporting.

I'm not saying its fake news. Not saying that they are wrong either. But I am saying 90% of the reports are all doom and gloom.

You rile people up in a frenzy, a panic induced by fear, this is what will happen and we are seeing the fruits of the labour of that.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, other Anonymous, for backing me up.

@RussInSoCal : I don't care what ZH says but if they won't like to and data or tech, then it's pure fantasy. I could write that drivel too, perhaps I need to start such a site (along with all my buddies in the CIA)?