Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Three Sailors Aboard The Aircraft Carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt Have Contracted COVID-19

USA Today: Three sailors from USS Theodore Roosevelt have coronavirus, raising concerns about pandemic's strain on military

WASHINGTON – Three sailors aboard the 5,000-member USS Theodore Roosevelt have contracted COVID-19 and were airlifted from the aircraft carrier in the Pacific, Navy officials announced Tuesday.

They are the first sailors to become ill from the coronavirus while aboard a ship at sea, raising questions about further spread of the highly contagious disease and the overall strain of the pandemic on military readiness.

The Pentagon already has canceled or curtailed major war-training exercises, quarantined thousands of troops, closed recruiting centers and slapped limits on foreign and domestic travel.

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Update #1: Three sailors on board US aircraft carrier have coronavirus -Navy (Reuters)
Update #2: 3 US Navy sailors aboard Theodore Roosevelt test positive for coronavirus, defense officials say (FOX News)

WNU Editor:This is going to be a growing problem for every navy and military in the world.


Anonymous said...

Not really. I still think this is a first strike weapon, China has a cure, and the US navy will be in big trouble.

But then again, I've got my tinfoil hat on right now :D

*takes it off*

Oh, yeah, you're right

Anonymous said...

The military will come through Wuhan flu just fine.

The real damage is being done By Democrats politicians and media people.

OUTRAGEOUS! Pelosi Delays Vote on Senate’s Coronavirus Relief Bill Until Thursday

As Trump Coronavirus Handling Hits 60 Percent Approval, Taxpayer Funded NPR Station Says Won’t Air White House Briefings on Crisis

NPR must be defunded and privatized.

Liberals delenda est!