Saturday, March 14, 2020

Times Square Is Nearly Empty After President Trump Declares A National Emergency Over The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

WNU Editor: The same is happening in Montreal. Took the Montreal metro last night. It was almost empty. And the bar that I went to see a friend to have a beer .... a bar that is usually packed .... was almost empty. My brother is also telling me that the highways around the Bay area in California are almost empty. Bottom line. The economic impact from this pandemic is going to be huge.

Update: Here is a good analysis on the impact that the Covid-19 coronavidurs pandemic is going to have on the national and global economies .... How The Covid-19 Shock Is Different (Zero Hedge).


Anonymous said...

Team Trump has finally found itself in a crisis it cannot propagandize its way out of. Unfortunately, this has not led Team Trump (the administration and its various Fox News-based media arms) to pivot to the brash notion of telling the truth. No, of course not.

For the first time ever, though, Team Trump is very confused about which lie to tell. Historically, the Trump administration and Fox News have been meticulous messengers, able to turn almost everything into a way to “own the libs.” But COVID-19 is providing Trump very few opportunities for lib ownership.

Previously, before we hit the crisis stage, we got weeks of obfuscation, and the president’s conviction that “it’s going away. We want it to go away with very, very few deaths.” Now, Trumpists are trying to grapple with the possibility that the global pandemic may in fact be real. As COVID-19 has decimated Italy, killed thousands of Chinese nationals, and spread like a brush fire through at least 47 states, it’s becoming harder and harder for Trumpists to deny the truth.

Anonymous said...

Federal judge cites coronavirus in decision blocking Trump admin cut to food stamps

Bob Huntley said...

Evidence of common sense keeps surfacing. Maintaining a presence of that common sense is going to be tough. At this point overcoming the nonsensical Trump regime is an uphill but not an un-achievable battle given the upcoming election. However, if Trump and his band of losers get reinstated for another four years in November, recovery will likely take a decade, or, more and the disaster will most certainly eclipse the impact of the "Virus".

Anonymous said...

On Capitol Hill, the relief bill passed just before 1am, after two days of talks between the treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, and the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi. Agreement came after Trump signaled his support for Democrat-drafted measures.

Pelosi thanked Democrats for their patience. Trump and the speaker, who publicly clashed at the State of the Union address in January, never communicated directly on coronavirus relief.

“While we could have passed this bill on our own,” Pelosi wrote, “I believe it was important for us to assure the American people that we can work together to manage this crisis.”

All “no” votes came from Republicans and one lawmaker, former Republican Justin Amash of Michigan, voted “present”. The House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, took the rare step of praising Democrats.

“Regardless of the partisanship here, at this time in this place, we will come together to put the American public first,” he said.

AZuLike said...

Wow this is not a crises lmao. Less then 1% of the worlds population died from it. You guys seem very paranoid. Zeeka virus any one. No bob it's not a uphill battle dems lost. Why you think Trump won in the first place? People were tired of both parties and wanted something different. Democrats have never been for the minorities any ways.

Anonymous said...

Gotta love people who put labels like these on vids and then upload them, trying to let the title control the 'narrative'. Interesting psychological method that the media uses.

That's Times Square how it normally is.

RussInSoCal said...

Wow - smell the bitterness! Love all the sneering Trump bashing. Opportunistic venom is easy to spout. What do you want Trump to do? Come to your house and hold your hand?

The freakish dependence on government I read here is hysterical. I'd like to know of any solutions YOU have. Maybe some preparation ideas that you have employed. Instead of spewing childish invective, desperately wishing for the worst so Trump will lose in Nov. Beats sitting around bitching about Trump, waiting for your precious government to rescue you.

Its exactly this type of garbage that has led the country into a state of self-immolation. The same psychology that leads people to hoard toilet paper of all things. (idiocy)

Its a good thing we do have "Team Trump" managing this thing. Otherwise we'd have a gov't busy haggling over the political identity of the managers instead making the decisions that will lead us out pf this thing.

Being a 'prepper' myself, my family has stores for weeks. Large water storage, meds and dehydrated LDS long term food stuffs. /and plenty of ammo with means to deliver it ;)



Anonymous said...

Hold on, cowboy--you are the Sneer-in-Chief!!

RussInSoCal said...

OK I'll grant you - I love a good sneering. My great grandpapa was one the great sneerers of all time. Dad was a sneer tour de force. I come from a long line of champion sneermen.



Bob Huntley said...

"The freakish dependence on government I read here is hysterical."

Successive governments over the last 70 years have depended on its citizenry to send their sons and daughters to die in useless, senseless and often criminal imperialistic wars and you ridicule that citizenry for expecting their government to respond in an intelligent, thoughtful and effective manner in the face of what could become the worst plague to hit the country since it inception?

RussInSoCal said...

Bob, the US government is responding to the Wuhan virus in an intelligent, thoughtful and effective manner. That's why the US stands at 40 some deaths at this point instead of 4,000. The US is not a nanny state. There is a cultural expectation here that US citizens have a duty of citizenship. IE: to live and thrive independent of government apparatus.

I'm not buying into the panic. Especially when its the same media and politicians telling me to panic that told me that Trump conspired with Russia to win the 2016 election for the past three years. Which was a pathetic lie.

If the time does indeed come to panic, I'll be the the first to tell you.

Bob Huntley said...


Trump made a comment regarding the ship he wouldn't let land in which he said he didn't want the ship to dock because it would increase the numbers. He was obviously concerned about appearances relative to numbers of cases of the Virus in the US. Never mind the continued risk to those not affected on the ship of course, just worry about the numbers.

Not having an adequate supply of tests accomplishes the same goal, that is to minimize the truth and in such cases quoting numbers is useless.

It is a "what you don't know won't hurt you" kind of thinking.