Saturday, March 28, 2020

Top Democrats in Congress Want To Ease Sanctions On Iran, Venezuela, And Other Countries Hit Hard By The Pandemic

People attend a protest in Washington, DC against United States sanctions on Iran, where the death toll from COVID-19 is approaching 1,300 [File: Carlos Barria/Reuters]

Foreign Policy: Democrats Push Back on Sanctions, Citing Coronavirus Fears

They want waivers to speed medical supplies and humanitarian aid to Iran and other sanctioned nations hit hard by the pandemic.

Top Democrats in Congress are urging the Trump administration to ease sanctions on Iran, Venezuela, and other countries badly hit by the coronavirus pandemic, citing the need to provide medical supplies and humanitarian support.

In a stream of several letters aimed at Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other top U.S. officials, Democratic members of Congress including presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are pushing for the administration to grant clearly outlined waivers from American sanctions.

Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy also spearheaded a call by several Democrats to the Trump administration to ease U.S. sanctions against countries, including Iran and Venezuela, hit hard by coronavirus, saying the measures are hampering the free flow of medicines and other humanitarian supplies to the neediest as the pandemic worsens.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Lifting oil and banking sanctions on governments who have a have a history of brutality against their own citizens while actively working hard at destabilizing their neighbouring countries will fail. The onus is on these governments to step up first and outline what they will do if sanctions are released. In the case of Venezuela and their request for a $5 billion IMF loan, they gave no specifics on what they would do with the money. Just generalities. In the case of Iran, doubly so. As for North Korea, President Trump's proposal for direct help was not taken up .... North Korea: Trump letter offers coronavirus cooperation (Al Jazeera).


Anonymous said...


Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy is LYING.

Iran's imports of medicine have remained steady from Obama to Trump.

Iran is lying and Senator Murphy is more than willing to oblige them.

When you graph medicine imports over time and they are a horizontal line, there is no problem other than evil ayatollahs and evil Democrats.

The sanctions have carve-outs for medicine

Once again let;s be brutally honest.

Senator Murphy is the DIShonorable Senator Murphy and he is a lying sack of shit.

Anonymous said...

Sanctions Have Not Reduced Iran’s Pharmaceutical Imports From EU, Data Show

Sanctions Have Not Reduced Iran’s Pharmaceutical Imports From EU, Data Show


Those that vote for him are liars, stupid or gullible.

Anonymous said...



HERE'S MY LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RussInSoCal said...

Honestly, the Left wingers who troll this blog are the worst writers, debaters, conversationalists and/or wordsmiths I have ever encountered. Mindless bots.



Anonymous said...

Russ: grow the fuck up

Anonymous said...

In at least 10 government reports from 2003 to 2015, federal officials predicted the United States would experience a critical lack of ventilators and other lifesaving medical supplies if it faced a viral outbreak like the one currently sweeping the country.

The drumbeat of warnings undermines President Donald Trump's claim last week that "nobody in their wildest dreams" could have imagined the demand for ventilators that now exists. The demand is pushing hospitals to the brink in New York City and threatening to do so in parts of Washington state, California, Louisiana and beyond.

In addition, a 2017 study funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that "substantial concern exists that intensive care units (ICUs) might have insufficient resources to treat all persons requiring ventilator support" and that even the supplies held in the so-called Strategic National Stockpile "might not suffice to meet demand during a severe public health emergency."
Government employees: What public records should we request as we report on the coronavirus?

But federal agencies were underscoring the risks of insufficient ventilators and other equipment as far back as President George W. Bush's administration. In July 2003, a report by the Government Accountability Office noted that "few hospitals reported having the equipment and supplies needed to handle a large-scale infectious disease outbreak. Half the hospitals we surveyed had, for every 100 staffed beds, fewer than 6 ventilators, 3 or fewer personal protective equipment suits, and fewer than 4 isolation beds."

Many more reports pointing to the lack of ventilators followed, some in response to outbreaks such as avian flu or SARS:

Anonymous said...

More than 800,000 doctors plead with Trump NOT to reopen the country by Easter because it will 'gravely jeopardize the health of all Americans'

More than 800,000 doctors in the United States sent a letter to Trump on Friday
They ask that the White House support 'science-based recommendations' on social distancing protocol
Trump said he wants to reopen the American economy by Easter, April 12
Letter said doing so could jeopardize the health of several Americans and continue the coronavirus pandemic
US has the most coronavirus cases in the world, topping 112,000 this week
Dr. Fauci and Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams have pushed back on the Easter deadline
Doctors report hospitals are overrun with patients and there's a shortage in needed medical supplies, like ventilators and face masks

Anonymous said...

Russin...agreed. nothing more of a waste of time than a leftie/Democrat trying to be funny or witty. Both are doomed to fail. It's just wasting everyone's time. Only the brain dead and rapists/sex offenders vote Democrat in know, to virtue signal. It has become so transparent that the biggest sex offenders are on the left, heck voting left should give police probable cause to search your computer/text messages :))
Half joking ofc but Weinstein, Epstein, Clinton..All of them. .Democrats

Anonymous said...

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and Lt. Gov. Jon Husted say they are disappointed in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's decision to limit the use of an Ohio company's new technology to sterilize much-needed surgical masks.

The FDA has authorized Columbus-based Battelle to sterilize only 10,000 surgical masks in Ohio each day, though the company can sterilize up to 160,000 masks daily in Ohio alone.

"The FDA's decision to severely limit the use of this life-saving technology is nothing short of reckless," DeWine said in a statement emailed to 10TV. "Battelle's innovative technology has the capability to protect healthcare professionals and first responders in Ohio and across the country, but in this time of crisis, the FDA has decided not to support those who are risking their lives to save others. This is a matter of life and death. I am not only disappointed by this development, but I'm also stunned that the FDA would decline to do all it can to protect this country's frontline workers in this serious time of need."

The allowance of the sterilization of 10,000 masks per day is limited to Battelle's Columbus headquarters. The company is not allowed to send its sterilization technology to other states.

During a news conference Saturday, DeWine urged the FDA to approve the new system developed by Battelle.

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Battelle had planned to send one machine to New York City and one to Stony Brook, New York. Equipment would also have been sent to the state of Washington and the Washington D.C. metro area.

Battelle had also planned to send four more units to other parts of the U.S. next week and 15 more devices over the next several weeks.

10TV has reached out to Battelle and the FDA for comment.

Anonymous said...

WNU Editor: Lifting oil and banking sanctions on governments who have a have a history of brutality against their own citizens while actively working hard at destabilizing their neighbouring countries will fail. The onus is on these governments to step up first and outline what they will do if sanctions are released.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not as much as you do squirrel! Keep changing fonts squirrel, I love it when you think you are clever.

Anonymous said...


ANON 12:41 AKA Fucking Asshole

I linked to

They have a graph with numbers that proves that the Dishonorable Senator Murphy is lying.

Now, The Murphy might not know that he is wrong and so he might not be lying. He might just be retarded just like you.

I assume with your ill gotten gains from a job you did not deserve that you could afford or have Excel. If you type the data into an excel spreadsheet, it will graph it for you and add a trend line.

You do know what a trend line is?

Antitroll said...

I would have to agree with you here sir

Anonymous said...

Let’s recall how the U.S. secretary of state has historically behaved at a time of grave international crisis: circling the globe (at least telephonically); formulating a coherent multilateral response; and lining up nations behind it — starting with America’s closest allies.

Now, consider how Mike Pompeo spent his time last week, as cases of covid-19 soared in the United States and numerous other countries. He kicked off Monday by indulging in a pointless war of words with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, whom he accused of lying about the country’s grave coronavirus outbreak.

Then he flew off to Afghanistan, where, after a brief and failed attempt to persuade President Ashraf Ghani and rival Abdullah Abdullah to put aside their deep-seated differences, thereby facilitating the pre-election troop withdrawal President Trump wants, he resorted to the administration’s favorite foreign policy tool: abruptly cutting off aid.

On Wednesday, Pompeo had an opportunity to lead when foreign ministers of the Group of Seven convened by telephone. James A. Baker III, George Shultz or Madeleine Albright would have emerged with a clear statement of purpose by the world’s leading democracies — perhaps a commitment to aiding the poor nations and refugees that face devastation by the new disease.

Full coverage of the coronavirus pandemic

Instead, Pompeo blocked the G-7 from issuing any communique after the other ministers sensibly refused to go along with his petty insistence that it refer to the “Wuhan virus.” The message he sent was clear: Scoring a rhetorical point against Beijing is more important to this U.S. administration than forging a consensus with Britain, France, Germany and other close allies.

On Thursday came a video summit of the Group of 20, a larger group of nations, currently chaired by Saudi Arabia. Pompeo called that regime’s leader, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, ahead of the virtual gathering to ask that he “rise to the occasion and reassure global energy and financial markets.” Translation: Saudi Arabia should stop the oil price war it is waging with Russia, which has caused global prices to tank and contributed to the plunge of U.S. stocks.

No dice, apparently. Though he has enjoyed endless pampering by the Trump administration, up to and including forgiveness for murder, the crown prince made no move to comply with Pompeo’s appeal — and the virtual summit produced nothing of substance.

Has any secretary of state been worse in an emergency? It’s impossible to think of a more feckless performance since World War II. Pompeo’s dreadful week followed a month in which he has been all but invisible on the coronavirus issue, apart from one appearance at Trump’s daily press conference-cum-reality show.

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Dr. Anthony Fauci spent several hours on Saturday gently explaining to Donald J. Trump why it would be “a bad idea” to hold a giant parade to celebrate the great job the President is doing to combat COVID-19, Dr. Fauci has confirmed.

Trump first raised the idea of a massive parade early Saturday morning, arguing that it would address the “biggest problem” created by the pandemic thus far: the lack of appreciation for his own efforts regarding it.

“A parade would put Jay Inslee and that woman in Michigan in their place,” Trump bitterly insisted.

As Trump began drawing up plans for a parade, a panicked Dr. Fauci interceded and tried to explain that such a celebration would be “much nicer” if held after the pandemic is over.

“Would I still be able to have tanks?” a crestfallen Trump asked.

“Yes, you could have tanks,” Fauci replied.

“What about balloons?” Trump asked.

“You can have all the balloons you want,” the virologist said. “I promise you.”

Speaking to reporters, Dr. Fauci said he believed that, after laboriously explaining the situation to Trump, “I think I got through to him,” adding, “I’ve gotta lie down now.”

Anonymous said...

Parrot is gone. Someone gave them a time out?