Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

What does 8,140 deaths mean in life-years?

It was a measure used a decade ago by champions of Obamacare like Zeke"Death Panel" Emmanuel.

Deathwalker Zeke has opined that people over 75 should not get much health care at all.

Zeke is a player. He will be on a Joe Biden cabinet and we all know that Joe Biden will be calling no shots excepts what flavor of soup to eat for dinner.

Anonymous said...

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

"The broader point about there being “nobody here” to coordinate the response sells short what’s in place to handle an outbreak.

The public health system has a playbook to follow for pandemic preparation — regardless of who’s president or whether specific instructions are coming from the White House. Those plans were put into place in anticipation of another flu pandemic, but are designed to work for any respiratory-borne disease.

Among the health authorities overseeing the work are Dr. Anne Schuchat, CDC’s principal deputy director and a veteran of previous outbreaks, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH’s infectious disease chief who has advised six presidents."

Anonymous said...

AP FACT CHECK: Democrats distort coronavirus readiness

Of course they did.

Anonymous said...

if you read what you posted you will see that the Dems refused the cuts and rejected what the president and gop wanted

Jamelle Bouie / New York Times:
The Era of Small Government Is Over — We're going to have to reach much deeper than stimulus and bailouts into the way we conduct business with each other. — To stop the spread of the coronavirus, state and local governments have shut down as much of communal life as possible.
Discussion: Jacobin, Breitbart, Washington Post, Talking Points Memo and Vox
Tim Herrera / New York Times:
My Coronavirus Test: 5 Days, a Dozen Calls, Hours of Confusion — The symptoms have been easy to deal with. The health care system has not. — Almost a dozen calls with five health care providers over five hours. Two hours of hold music. Two hours in a hospital.
Discussion: VICE

Anonymous said...

We were warned in 2012, when the Rand Corporation surveyed the international threats arrayed against the United States and concluded that only pandemics posed an existential danger, in that they were “capable of destroying America’s way of life.”

We were warned in 2015, when Ezra Klein of Vox, after speaking with Bill Gates about his algorithmic model for how a new strain of flu could spread rapidly in today’s globalized world, wrote that “a pandemic disease is the most predictable catastrophe in the history of the human race, if only because it has happened to the human race so many, many times before.” If there was anything humanity could be certain that it needed to prepare for to prevent the deaths of a lot of people in little time, it was this.

We were warned in 2017, a week before inauguration day, when Lisa Monaco, Barack Obama’s outgoing homeland-security adviser, gathered with Donald Trump’s incoming national-security officials and conducted an exercise modeled on the administration’s experiences with outbreaks of swine flu, Ebola, and Zika. The simulation explored how the U.S. government should respond to a flu pandemic that halts international travel, upends global supply chains, tanks the stock market, and burdens health-care systems—all with a vaccine many months from materializing. “The nightmare scenario for us, and frankly to any public-health expert that you would talk to, has always been a new strain of flu or a respiratory illness because of how much easier it is to spread” relative to other pandemic diseases that aren’t airborne, Monaco told me.

We were warned in 2018, on the 100th anniversary of the flu pandemic of 1918, which killed 50 to 100 million people around the world. My colleague Ed Yong served notice that the “next plague” was coming, with influenza the most dangerous possibility, even as the United States succumbed to “forgetfulness and shortsightedness.” Luciana Borio, then the director for medical and biodefense preparedness at the National Security Council, told a symposium that “the threat of pandemic flu is our number-one health security concern.” Serving under a president who’d come to office on the pledge to wall off the United States, she noted that such a threat could not “be stopped at the border.” The very next day, news broke that National Security Adviser John Bolton had shuttered the NSC’s unit for preparing and responding to pandemics, of which Borio was a part. The White House official in charge of spearheading such a response to infectious threats departed as well and was not replaced.

Anonymous said...

Still less novel is the use of such nomenclature to manipulate a political culture, both of the left and right, that is as defenseless against distraction as a baby presented with a jangling keychain. I can hear the keys jangling, and the coos of curiosity, every time I log on. You know where they come from: on the left, from people aghast that Trump would insist on a name that would needlessly stigmatize people from a certain place, or who look a certain way; on the right, from people who hear “the Chinese virus” and think, The virus came from Wuhan, dagnabbit. He’s right to call it by its name! Neither side is entirely wrong: “Chinese virus” does needlessly (and harmfully) stigmatize people, and the virus did start in Wuhan. But these reactions are for suckers. Controversies like these are a perfect example of what Steve Bannon, Trump’s former campaign manager, called “flooding the zone with shit”—distracting us from what matters with copious flushes of what doesn’t. And raw sewage is this president’s natural habitat, the medium in which he fights most effectively. His opponents are willingly lured into the sewers.

Bob Huntley said...

A good read.

Anonymous said...

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This is the biggest blunder in presidential history
Anthony S. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, listens with Vice President Pence as President Trump delivers a coronavirus briefing at the White House on Tuesday. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)
Anthony S. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, listens with Vice President Pence as President Trump delivers a coronavirus briefing at the White House on Tuesday. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)
Image without a caption
Jennifer Rubin
Opinion writer
March 18, 2020 at 7:45 a.m. EDT

President Trump, as he often does when he has made a mistake or revealed his ignorance, changed course to claim that he knew all along that we were facing a pandemic.

As a preliminary matter, this is a lie, as this video shows:

The president has consistently downplayed, denied and misled the public about the seriousness of the threat. Moreover, since the first cases appeared in China in late December, he took few steps to prepare the country for the pandemic before it inevitably reached our shores. We are to believe that he knew there was a pandemic but willfully allowed the crisis to get worse.

There are two possibilities here. The first is that he was ignorant, buying into the Fox News disinformation loop. (Disclaimer: I am an MSNBC contributor.) The second is that he was thinking of his election — which he thinks is tied to the economy — so he refused to take action that would have spooked stock markets. (It’s not logical because the pandemic would eventually hit, but it would be emblematic of Trump’s short-term thinking.)

I am agnostic about which scenario is true. However, what is inescapable is that had the president not frittered away valuable time that could have been spent deploying tests (which could have been obtained from the World Health Organization), building up medical equipment and facilities and preparing for a series of escalating steps to promote social distancing, he might have reduced the strain on our health-care system and saved lives.

This is the biggest blunder in presidential history. Former Department of Homeland Security official Juliette Kayyem writes for the Atlantic: “With little guidance from the federal government, governors — along with mayors, CEOs, university presidents, and leaders in the sports and entertainment businesses — have taken it upon themselves to try to slow the spread of the virus before it overwhelms the medical system’s capacity to respond.” She adds that “a 50-state strategy has emerged to fill the vacuum left by an administration that is still unable to distribute enough testing kits, is still focused on closing borders, and was slow to tell the American public to just stay home.” In essence, Trump’s delinquency has turned the governors into rivals for scarce resources.

Trump did not show any real recognition of the magnitude of the problem until his administration got hold of a study from Britain. “The Imperial College London group reported that if nothing was done by governments and individuals and the pandemic remained uncontrolled, 510,000 would die in Britain and 2.2 million in the United States over the course of the outbreak,” The Post reports. Even if we now institute uniform, serious measures to mitigate the spread of the virus, we would “reduce mortality by half, to 260,000 people in the United Kingdom and 1.1 million in the United States.”

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"if you read what you posted you will see that the Dems refused the cuts and rejected what the president and gop wanted"

Anon lied again

He is a well know liar.

Did you know that the CDC is broken into 5 main divisions?

No, you do not, because you are not an honest person and because the NYT did not tell you and the Washington Post did not give you permission to think.

Trump proposed cutting the NON-INFECTIOUS DISEASES Division.

The division that takes care of flu, corona viruses and stuff like that is in the INFECTIOUS DISEASES Division.

Aren't you glad we had this little talk? No, you are not, because you are partisan hack or troll.

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