Thursday, March 19, 2020

U.S. Goverment Is Anticipating The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Will Last 18 Months Or More

A 100-page document, issued Friday as Donald Trump (pictured) announced a state of emergency, says Washington should close schools and cancel public events to curb the spread of the virus

New York Times: U.S. Virus Plan Anticipates 18-Month Pandemic and Widespread Shortages

WASHINGTON — A federal government plan to combat the coronavirus warned policymakers last week that a pandemic “will last 18 months or longer” and could include “multiple waves,” resulting in widespread shortages that would strain consumers and the nation’s health care system.

The 100-page plan, dated Friday, the same day President Trump declared a national emergency, laid out a grim prognosis for the spread of the virus and outlined a response that would activate agencies across the government and potentially employ special presidential powers to mobilize the private sector.

Read more ....

Update: Coronavirus pandemic will last 18 months or more, could come in several waves and cause a critical shortage of medical supplies, 100-page federal plan warns (Daily Mail).

WNU Editor: This 100-page plan, and it is a very sober read on what the US government is expecting, is here .... U.S.Government COVID-19 Response Plan (US Department of Health and Human Services).

Update #2: I disagree with the title of this story .... Secret recording captures GOP Sen. Burr issuing a dire warning about coronavirus to a private club, while publicly conservatives and Trump downplayed the threat (Business Insider). President Trump was one of the first to impose travel and border restrictions in February much to the opposition of many in Washington, foreign governments, and the media. If that is not taking this crisis seriously, I do not know what is. But I do agree with this Business Insider's analysis that until last week the message and efforts from the White House on trying to reassure US citizens that the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic can be properly handled was a disaster. Fortunately, the White House has made up for it since then. There is no illusion on what we are all facing now.

Hat tip to Robert for the Business Insider story.


Anonymous said...

The Business Insider and the NPR articles were hit pieces.

What was Schumer or any other congressman telling people behind closed doors?

When any things starts it is not apparent if it will be like SARS and peter out or if it will be worse.

Did Trump take it seriously? Yes he did. He shut down flight to and from China. The Democrats cursed him. Then they said the flight should be shut down and gave him no credit.

You tape a Democrat, you go to jail. You tape a Republican you get promoted. Jimmy Cater's grandson did some taping and he has a new career. Tape a Planned Parenthood NAZI and you go to jail. The NAZI will clap about the sentence in the courtroom and then leave in their beamer.

And the tape of Obama in LA. Well they are still sitting on that. Do you suppose that Business Insider or NPR will publish it? Do pigs fly?

Anonymous said...

anon: you are full of crap...not only did this GOP senator know about the virus, he dumped over a million dollars worth of stocks!

The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee warned a small group of well-connected constituents three weeks ago to prepare for dire economic and societal effects of the coronavirus, according to a secret recording obtained by NPR.

The remarks from U.S. Sen. Richard Burr were more stark than any he had delivered in more public forums.

On Feb. 27, when the United States had 15 confirmed cases of COVID-19, President Trump was tamping down fears and suggesting that the virus could be seasonal.

"It's going to disappear. One day, it's like a miracle. It will disappear," the president said then, before adding, "it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away. We'll see what happens."

On that same day, Burr attended a luncheon held at a social club called the Capitol Hill Club. And he delivered a much more alarming message.

Senate Intel chair unloaded stocks in mid-February before coronavirus rocked markets

Anonymous said...

"anon: you are full of crap...not only did this GOP senator know about the virus, he dumped over a million dollars worth of stocks!"

You are just fucking stupid.

Trump restricted travel from China to the Us on January 31st. That is almost 2 full weeks before the senator sold stock.

We knew there was a corona flu out break in China in January. That it was getting bad was public knowledge, when Trump restricted travel from China to the US.

what did the Democrats do? The Democrats publicly shitted on him. They said it was an overreaction.

But how bad is the Wuhan Flu anyway? PM Blackface is allowing flights from China to Vancouver, British Columbia. They are cheap flights. Then a Chinese student can take a flight from Vancouver to Harvard or Yale, so they don't miss any classes.

It is public knowledge when Google has been tracking flu outbreaks for several years no. Google it? Sorry that was mean. Have a competent family member Google it for you.

Anonymous said...

The Intel committee knew. And GOP Burrr dumped over a million bucks in stock (called insider trading and Trump insisted no problem and then said it was under control and only now is he confronting reality. The problem, of course, is that a majority of the population (polls) do not trust what he says on this issue. We simply as a nation was not prepared. Taiwan, by contrast, has only lost one person and is fully in control of the virus

Anonymous said...

Here use this

Influenza Forecasting with Google Flu Trends

Unless your computer hard drive is chock full of pictures you should be able to do your own monitoring or download it form google.

Maybe getting rid of a few picture to free up space might save your life?

Anonymous said...

travel restrictions were to game the chinese...he let in all of Europe and some places in the Far East...what Barr did was inside trading, taking advantage of intel that the public did not google your ass, mindless one

Officials Fight Criticism Over Cutting Global Health Staff
Trump Administration Simulated An Outbreak Last Year and Changed Nothing

Anonymous said...

Barr? I though you are talking about Burr? You sure you are alright? You thinking is kind of muddled.

What you want to talk about is Burr and the STOCK act. It was passed in 20012 and amended 2 years later.

You are not the swiftest among us, but who do you do in a pandemic You quarantine and vaccinate. Even you should know that. Key word is 'should.' Now if you cannot vaccinate, ten what is left is quarantine. That is step 2, but you should be able to follow. Note again, the key word is 'should.' If you quarantine that means the economy is going to take a hit. Travel restrictions are just a 1st step. I remember you bitching about the travel restrictions because you newspaper of choice told you.

Meanwhile, if you are honest, which you are definitely not, you might look into Nancy Pelosi's 2011 VISA stock deal. But if you did not have double standards, you would have no standards at all.

Anonymous said...

"travel restrictions were to game the chinese." - Mr. Petulance

Canada and the European countries have travel restrictions. Is that gaming the Chinese as well?

Please not Mr. Petulance that Chinese is a proper noun.

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

> Please note Mr. Petulance that Chinese is a proper noun.