Sunday, March 15, 2020

What Happens If There Is A Major Terror Attack In The U.S. During The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic?

Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard M. Burr says he hopes there are no attacks while the intelligence authorities are expired. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call file photo)

Roll Call: ‘I hope we don’t have an attack this weekend’ — FISA tools to expire before Senate takes up renewal

Senate gets ready to leave for the weekend without passing a re-authorization.

Three intelligence surveillance tools are set to expire on Sunday with the Senate leaving for the weekend without acting on a stopgap extension.

The House on Wednesday passed an overhaul measure that would reauthorize through Dec. 1, 2023, various surveillance authorities of the USA FREEDOM Act and the underlying Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

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WNU Editor: The above article is focused on the US Senate's push to re-authorize FISA, and remarks from the Senate Intelligence Chairman that he is afraid of a terror attack occurring if these tools are not passed by the US Senate. Politicians using fear to get their agenda passed is nothing new, but it does focus on a very important question. What happens if there is a major terror attack in the U.S. in the coming weeks/months? I shudder when I think of what the US reaction would be to such an event, because now is definitely not the time to pull such a stunt against the U.S..


Amp1776 said...

FISA is a deep state tool....

Anonymous said...

I won't argue one way or another about FISA being good or evil. That is a healthy and needed argument.

What I am upset about is that corona virus is better than Christmas. Politicians often pass things on Christmas Eve, when people's attention are turned to travel, Christmas Day gatherings, weather, and the business slowdown/vacation. They 'DEEM' things passed like ObamaCare on Xmas, when few people are looking.

With Corona flu all the oxygen is sucked out of the room for other news stories. People's #1 concern is health. So here come the politicians with what they want to really, really want to do.

Better than XMas indeed!