Tuesday, March 10, 2020

With The Coronavirus Outbreak Spreading, Should The U.S. Help Iran And North Korea?

The Hill: US walks tightrope as coronavirus hits adversaries

The spread of coronavirus around the globe is raising questions about how the United States should help its adversaries mitigate the disease.

The Trump administration has sent a message to Iran, via the Swiss, offering to help with the disease, while also criticizing Tehran for suppressing information about its spread.

Then there’s North Korea. The hermit kingdom says it has seen no coronavirus cases, but news outlets with contacts on the ground report otherwise. With serious outbreaks in neighboring China and South Korea, regional experts are skeptical the disease hasn’t made its way into North Korea.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The U.S. has offered help but it was refused by Iran. North Korea is claiming they do not need help because they do not have any Covid-19 patients. But what Iran (and North Korea) really want is this .... China calls for immediate lifting of US anti-Iran sanctions amid COVID-19 outbreak (MEHR News Agency).


Anonymous said...

Stalled Intelligence Report Warns of Pandemic Dangers

Anonymous said...

How about the UN help them?

RussInSoCal said...

Help them how - exactly?

(and sanctions relief is a non-starter)

Anonymous said...

North Korea does not need help. They said they have no cases.

Let's not take them at their word. Helping such a regime would do more harm than good. They would use any resources we provided to harm their people and us. They are good Leftists after all.

Every Leftist is saying that the Chinese have a better response and are way ahead of the US. Besides, Iran and China are buds. They are allies.

Let's send Bob over. He is a font of wisdom. He could show them all sorts of ways to more efficiently manufacture and distribute good and services in an approved Leftist manner.

I mean, where could Bob go wrong? globalresearch.ca is his bible.

Anonymous said...

"Stalled Intelligence Report Warns of Pandemic Dangers"

From Time.com

A magazine founded by a conservative that went liberal some time after WW2.

Now, it went off the deep end and is Left wing and ran by a bunch of wingnuts. Back in the 20th century, I use to read it religiously.

Anonymous said...

Once again mind-numbed robots do not look at at the age group or the underlying health conditions of the few people, who have died of corona virus in the US.

20 something is not a large number.

100 something is not a large number.

A few thousand is not a large number if they were terminal anyway or would have died of flu or would have died of corona and flu.

Not so Fun fact: A really inexpensive and highly predictive test to tell if an elderly person will last another year is the stand test. If the cannot sit on the floor and stand 10 time unaided, they are probably not long for this world.

If a person cannot pass the stand test, then they will probably die of flu, corona or most any virus. Note: People always are catching some virus every day.

Test of Sitting and Standing Predicts Mortality

"A person's risk of death can be predicted by a simple test that assesses his or her ability to sit on the floor and then stand up, a new study from Brazil suggests. ... Each point increase in a person's test score was linked with a 21 percent reduction in their risk of death"




So let's get to the point. It is sad, if some elderly person dies. But we need not go on a year long crying jag. We cannot afford it. If a person cannot pass the sit stand test I am not going to get upset of a killer virus, if they die of corona.

The same people who are haring corona virus because they are old are the same people that would steal their grand children's lunch money to fund more Social security. You know who you are. You vote Democrat no matter what. No matter, if it is Bernie AOC, Louis Farahkhan or whoever.

Bob Huntley said...

Anon 12:59

And Trumpo the Clown decided to keep a cruise ship cruising because he didn't want to have the numbers of Americans with the Virus increasing the numbers reported. Never mind the large number of people in that relatively closed environment, some of whom are also Americans. He is not only a jerk but your inane hero.

Anonymous said...

No help for North Korea. No help for Iran. Allow the hand of God to work upon those Satanic nations.

Bob Huntley said...

Another inane response.

As no doubt have noted the hand of God is working on a lot of nations, including yours and mine so we both must live in satanic nations. It is interesting that you capitalized "God" but also 'satanic'. So are you a devil worshiper?

Anonymous said...

no, just a capitalization error.

Anonymous said...

Poor Bob does not know, who he is talking to.

Even if he did what it matter? Bob knows less about theology than your typical valley girl, for sure.

Anonymous said...

According to the US Surgeon General Jerome Adams the average age of death of the coronavirus is 80-year-olds

Anonymous said...

The elderly are hit the hardest by the coronavirus and this is similar to the flu where 90% of the deaths come from individuals age 65 and over.

Anonymous said...

Coronavirus By the Numbers – 83% of Affected Countries Have Mortality Rates of Infected Persons Less than 1%

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If you sit in front of a computer all day pulling sweet pics from the ether, your aerobic
capacity is nil and corona virus will...

Anonymous said...

8,554 Americans have been tested for coronavirus but CDC director says there isn't enough staff to keep up as Trump scraps insurance co-pays and the death toll climbs to 28

The CDC's website says 3,698 CDC tests have been one and 4,856 public health labs tests have been done
It is unclear how many of those have been come back negative or if all have a result yet
In the US, as of Tuesday afternoon, there are 795 confirmed cases of the disease
The death toll has reached 28 and there are fears it will continue to grow
Trump said on Friday that any American would be able to get a test if they want one
The White House has said only four million will be available by the end of this week
One million have been sent out but only 75,000 are available in state labs right now

Bob Huntley said...

ANON 2:45

Ah yes Theology class. Much of it was in Latin of course. The only Latin story I heard involved a conversation between an American and a Canadian.

The Canadian told the American that he was going to a meeting next week but had a 4 hr layover in Boston. The American smiled and told him that while the 4 hr layover was a pain there was something he could do to kill the time, and enjoy a good lunch. He told him to go to the Boston harbor, any corner bar and have an order of deep fried scrud. He said that the best deep fried scrud was made there in the Boston harbor area bars.

So when he got to Boston he left the Airport, jumped into a cab and told the driver to take him to where he can get scrud.

At that the driver turned around and said, "I have been given that direction thousands of times. You are the first person ever to give me that direction in the Pluperfect Subjunctive.

Bob Huntley said...

According to the WHO map the US has 959 confirmed cases. Here is a WHO map that is updated regularly.


Bob Huntley said...

Sorry it is a map provided by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University but i believe the information comes from the WHO.

Bob Huntley said...

and again by the WHO,CDC,ECDC, NHC and DXY

Anonymous said...

"Help them how - exactly?" - Russ

(and sanctions relief is a non-starter)

go fuck yourself
you tell older vets to die?
fuck you and your parents
- Parrot or someone imitating him.

Russ did not say we should tell anyone to die. Fact is whoever has not been listening to advice on how to survive this virus at all. It has been listening to Pied Pipers.

Dimmercrats have people so worked up that I have a kid call and say they are concerned about the corona virus. The flue is 10 to 100 more times more likely to kill them but they are concerned about the corona virus.

It does not makes sense.

Sad thing is that they have had stats and have proven that they have some competence in the subject months after leaving the classroom.

This shows me what the power of the press and other huckster is.

The press would be covering it differently, if it were not a year divisible by 2 or 4 and if a Democrat was holding the White House.

I thoroughly in tend to make money off this 'crisis'. In part it will recompense me for all the shit the press and others are putting me through.

Go ahead be stupid.


Anonymous said...

GOP Congress Approval Rises, Dem Congress Approval Falls


Anonymous said...

"Josh Hawley, Richard Blumenthal Call for DOJ Investigation into Google Search"

Meanwhile some people still have not admitted they lost a debate.

Anonymous said...

"Can't we all just get along?" - Rodney King

Anonymous said...

Although majorities of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, as well as Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, approve of the job their own party's members of Congress are doing, there is a significant difference between the two groups. Republicans' approval of congressional Republicans has jumped 13 points to 76% since October, but Democrats' 65% approval of congressional Democrats is virtually unchanged from October.

Republicans' and Republican leaners' more positive evaluations of their own party's congressional caucus are the major reason Republicans in Congress receive higher ratings than Democrats in Congress overall.

Anonymous said...

Try again 8:39


This time use some honesty.

Try it. You might like it.

Bob Huntley said...

""Can't we all just get along?" - Rodney King"

The answer to that question is an obvious "Yes, we can't get along."