Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Chinese Article Says Kazakhstan Wants To Be A Part Of China, And That Kazakhstan Historically Belongs To China

RFE: Kazakhstan Protests Over Chinese Article Questioning Its Territorial Integrity

NUR-SULTAN -- Kazakhstan’s Foreign Ministry has officially protested an article published on a Chinese website that questioned Kazakhstan’s territorial integrity.

The ministry said on April 14 that it "held talks with the Chinese ambassador to Kazakhstan, Zhang Xiao, during which the ministry protested against the publication of an article on the website in China titled 'Why Is Kazakhstan Eager To Get Back to China?'"

The article's author wrote that Kazakhstan is located on territories that historically belong to China.

Read more ....

Update #1: Kazakhstan summons Chinese ambassador in protest over article (Reuters)
Update #2: Kazakhstan calls in Chinese envoy to protest web article (AFP)

WNU Editor: This article is playing to a Chinese audience, not to an audience in Kazakhstan. And it is being used by Chinese officials to promote the perception that everyone wants to be a part of China. Truth be told. No one wants to be a part of China.


Anonymous said...

I notice in the map they already absorbed Kyrgyztan and Tajikistan into greater china...and Taiwan doesn't even exist

Anonymous said...

I warned about China years ago, how their Nazi like tendencies are so freaking obvious

shall I recap? :D Am sure WNU can find it, the list of similarities was long

Anonymous said...

The Russians must know that this beast of soon 2billion people - hungry peope - will look north to their Russian "friends" and then the Chinese realise that they have another old, old map in which Russia belonged to China.

I wonder if Putin finally understands.

Anonymous said...

Mainland Chinese still refer to Vladivostok as Haishenwai.

Anonymous said...


So the people, who complain about the American Indian Wars, but not the Canadian Indian Wars or the Banderantes? Complain about Russia's Eastward expansion?

I would rather no one join with China. while it is governed by its '800 families.'

Back home Gretchen Whitmer shows that high achievers on the F-scale test are alive and well in America and Canada.

Anonymous said...

The nine dash line gets extended yet again.

Anonymous said...

If Russia can do it, why not China.

China was in that region until the Battle of Talas, which was about 751 AD.

Andrew Jackson said...

Like I said before ,CCP will attack Russia.