Friday, April 24, 2020

Cyber Adversaries Are Taking Advantage Of The Current Pandemic To Test Cyber Defenses

U.S. servicemembers and civilians, along with partner nation servicemembers, work to improve tactical level cyber operations skills against a live opposing force at the Joint Training Facility in Suffolk, Virginia during U.S. Cyber Command's annual exercise, Cyber Flag. (Photos provided by U.S. Cyber Command Public Affairs)

James Yeager, Fifth Domain: In chaos, there’s opportunity … and that’s bad news

This year is only four months old and it’s already one for the history books — and not in a great way.

As the defense community works in tandem with the broader government to keep citizens safe and healthy, cybersecurity threats are only becoming more aggressive.

If we’ve learned anything about cyber adversaries, it’s that they will seize on any opportunity to gain an advantage in targeting their victims, including exploiting the fears of the public during a global pandemic. As COVID-19 has moved from the East to the West, adversaries have followed suit, using lures that play into people’s desperation for information on the disease. In “The Art of War,” Sun-Tzu said“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”

The COVID-19 virus is infecting more than just people. The pandemic has created chaos and handed adversaries an irresistible opportunity to exploit the situation to gain entry into our networks, whether that’s to steal intellectual property, disrupt operations, or gain a strategic advantage if they are a nation-state actor.

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WNU Editor: I have noticed a number of anomalies in the past few weeks when it comes to networks. Far more than usual. My internet speed has slowed down at my home in Montreal and up north. Interruptions in doing online banking. ATMs being down. Etc.. Coincidence? A lack of personnel to correct web issues? You tell me.


copley7 said...

Same here. My bankwas website was not operating this week. Also, some of the Apps I use were down this week. Usually I don't see problems with them.

Anonymous said...

Our hospital recently got hit with a ransomware attack. I have to wonder how much of the "working from home" paradigm is allowing access to otherwise usually secure systems.

B.Poster said...

I've noticed this too. I'll tell you why. Unscrupulous elements fed our overreaction to this. Trump is a germophobe as evidenced by numerous reports. This paralyzed our response to this. By accident or intentional our enemies fed into this aided and abetted by the useful idiots of Fauci, Birx, the CDC, their teams, the Democrats, and the media who hoped to gain power at any cost. Such people live "in the moment" without thinking through the consequences of what they're doing.

B.Poster said...

Anon (2:24),

Few people actually thought we'd give in to such idiocy so quickly. A number of us had to set up home offices on the fly. While our network administrator is VERY GOOD and fully anticipated this as did I, a number of us didn't. I'm pretty sure the Chinese and the Russians had and are continuing to hwve a field day laughing at us while their "backdoors" take our secrets via the home offices that were set up on the fly. Will Fauci, Birx, and their teams be given medals for what they've done?

I'd say probably not, While these may be intellectual geniuses, in terms of maturity they are like five year olds who somehow got absolute power!! They are like 5 year olds with a loaded gun and the democrats are urging them to USE IT against their enemies. The Russian and Chinese have far bigger guns and they have a certain degree of immunity against America's guns. I think they're laughing at us hand hoping we'll continue with this nonsense!!