Monday, April 13, 2020

Eight European Countries Have More Than Three Times The Coronavirus Deaths As The United States

U.S. Covid-19 Total Deaths                 : 22,154

Italy Covid-19 Total Deaths                   : 19,899
Spain Covid-19 Total Deaths                 : 17,489
France Covid-19 Total Deaths                : 14,412
U.K. Covid-19 Total Deaths                   : 11,346
Belgium Covid-19 Total Deaths             :   3,903
France Covid-19 Total Deaths                :   3,022
Netherlands. Covid-19 Total Deaths       :  2,833
Switzerland Covid-19 Total Deaths        :   1,129

European Covid-19 Death Toll             : 74,033
(Top 8 European countries)

WNU Editor: The U.S. population is 330 million versus 360 million in these 8 European countries. These numbers explain why many Europeans are unhappy with the response of their governments to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Hat tip John Hopkins University for the above Covid-19 death numbers. (April 13, 2020. 12:00 EST).


Anonymous said...

take each nation as a separate nation. It is "my country" that I prefer to measure early on...the US as of this moment has 22,948 deaths

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone follows the worldmeter website when looking at daily cover numbers. They always list cases per million, and deaths per million for each country, which is really important when trying to "country compare".

Anonymous said...

In "My country", the USA 1/2 the deaths are in NY.

What does that tell you?

It tells you the Democrat occupied NY has been misruled by obvious incompetents.

Anonymous said...

"take each nation as a separate nation. It is "my country" that I prefer to measure early on...the US as of this moment has 22,948 deaths"


I am stupid. I have a hard time with fractions and percentiles. In fact I have a hard time with math in general.

But I am smart enough to know that, if I use big numbers instead of percents, I can make bad arguments and still win against other simple minded people.