Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Facing Severe Medical Shortages In The War Against The Pandemic, U.S. Freezes International Coronavirus Aid

U.S. President Donald Trump, flanked by U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor, speaks during a news conference, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Washington D.C., U.S., March 22, 2020. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

Politico: Pence task force freezes coronavirus aid amid backlash

The review came after officials discovered that aid to foreign countries wasn't being coordinated with U.S. requests.

Last week, a Trump administration official working to secure much-needed protective gear for doctors and nurses in the United States had a startling encounter with counterparts in Thailand.

The official asked the Thais for help—only to be informed by the puzzled voices on the other side of the line that a U.S. shipment of the same supplies, the second of two so far, was already on its way to Bangkok.

Read more....

WNU Editor: The epicentre of the pandemic is now in the U.S.. With projections saying that hundreds of thousands of Americans may die in the coming weeks/months, now is not the time to ship vitally needed medical supplies to other countries who are not at the same level of crisis that the U.S. is in right now. The other countries will understand, and concerns that they will not is being overblown.


Anonymous said...

This is our 1st Facebook Pandemic. It will go down in infamy in the annals of psycho-history.

Anonymous said...

The world had the tools to prevent the coronavirus pandemic – why weren’t they used?

Russ in Ohio said...

How Donald Trump went from saying coronavirus is 'under control' and 'like flu' while, golfing and repeatedly holding rallies to admitting up to 240,000 will die in eight grim - and error-filled - weeks

President Donald Trump acknowledged on Tuesday the grim reality that more than 100,000 Americans could die from the coronavirus
It was a marked changed from his previous statements on disease
After first case in U.S. in January, Trump said: 'We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China'
In February and most of March he still sounded hopeful
The White House on Tuesday projected 100,000 to 240,000 deaths in the U.S.
'I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead. We're going through a very tough few weeks,' Trump said

Anonymous said...

"... to admitting up to 240,000 will die in eight grim - and error-filled - weeks"

- Troll

Fauci or the other doctor said may die not will die. Back to your TESL teacher.

Influenza has killed 10 times as many people since the beginning of the year. For you in the departments that spin off the women's studies departments like PU239 emits gamma rays and beta particles that is a whole order of magnitude.If you cut that by another 1.2 or 2/3rds and people usually leave it out of equations.

Meanwhile Democrats are on track to murder 100,000 to 240,000+ people, because they can and because it will catapult them into power.

Word of warning. the USSR where Bernie honeymooned last about 70 years. The USSR was given 2 or 3 reprieves. Otherwise, it would have lasted no more than a generation or a generation and a half before yet another revolution. So here is the prediction. You can have your ill gotten revolution built on lies to cement power. There will be another revolution in a gen. It is psycho-history.

What does 1 gen mean to you? You will have committed crimes , committed genocide, ruined economies and you will still be alive and out of power. You will have your own Nuremberg and you will be siting as defendant.

Anonymous said...

Exclusive: The Military Knew Years Ago That a Coronavirus Was Coming

Anonymous said...

And Parrot did not read the article, which it linked.

“The most likely and significant threat is a novel respiratory disease, particularly a novel influenza disease,”

I think it is a shit report written by a bunch of hacks, who wouldn't plan for costs, FIFO, or anything else.

Belgium and the state of California dropped their stocks of significant items due to cost. That should tell you something, but it won't.

I think it is because you are lazy.

"The Same Genes Appear to Influence Maths And Language Ability, Study Shows

Since you won't or can't deal with numbers perhaps you are not lazy, but you simply cannot. It begs the question as to how good you are at language.

IF you are good at one (math or English), you are potentially or are good at the other. The English majors I know are good at stats. You not so much. Laziness? Idiot Savant? White privilege?


Good Gawd but you are ugly on the inside.

Trump shutdown flights to China and Pelosi and parrots and goose steppers like you denounced Trump as a racist.

Afterwards Nancy Pelosi, the New York Health commissioner and others said go on and part, there is no problem. Visit China town. They held Mardi Gras in the Big Easy.

China lied about the spread and the count. It made is look like SARS 1. You do know the CDC briefings of January to the prez will come out. The ones where the CDC downplayed it.

Anonymous said...

“The most likely and significant threat is a novel respiratory disease, particularly a novel influenza disease,”

And than means

It is almost as generic as saying a new threat will emerge.

"most likely and significant threat is a novel respiratory disease" Why doesn't the leaker say it is a rhino virus or some other virus?

Cuz he is throwing darts.

The leaker is to fucking dumb to know there are a finite # of viruses in existence.

They have caused pandemics before. The virus has been around for thousands or by some estimates 55 million years. The bat population is or was big enough to run through every particular combo by now and cycle through them several more times.

There is nothing new about corona on the world stage. The only thing new is that we have DNA tech and we can name, describe, and surveil them instead of just being target dummies.

How bad can #19 it be if 25% of the people infected have such mild symptoms they do not know they even have it?

Italy is not showing any excess deaths. That is if you look at cumulative deaths, you do not see a bump in the graph. Italy has the 4th oldest population in the world. So a respiratory virus comes along and people die? STOP the PRESSES!

And these people already had disease like diabetes and hypertension? STOP the PRESSES!

Anonymous said...

"The structure of the influenza virus’s HA surface proteins is designed to fit the sialic acid receptors of the human cell, like a key to a lock. Once the key enters the lock, the influenza virus is then able to enter and infect the cell. This marks the beginning of a flu infection."


They make vaccine to target the HA's

We know what the corona virus HA's looks like.

So make the damn vaccine already.