Friday, April 10, 2020

Germany Permits Iranian Banks Sanctioned By The U.S. To Operate

Bank Melli (photo credit: Courtesy)

Jerusalem Post: Germany allows US sanctioned Iranian 'terror' banks to operate

A number of the banks were sanctioned by the US in a bid to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions are operating within Germany.

The organization United Against Nuclear Iran published a report on Tuesday, disclosing that German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government is permitting Iranian banks sanctioned by the US government to operate within the federal republic.

“The oldest Iranian bank operating in Germany is Bank Melli, established in 1965 in Hamburg. It is also Iran’s national bank, wholly owned by the Government of Iran (GOI), and its biggest company by revenue. The US Treasury sanctioned Bank Melli in 2018 for its support of the IRGC, having enabled the IRGC and its affiliates to move funds inside and outside Iran,” wrote the report’s author, Daniel Roth.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: With allies like this, who needs enemies.


Anonymous said...


lets see

1. brought us almost the collapse by first playing hard ball with Greece, denying a bail out, increasing tensions in the EU
2. almost brought the EU to its kneeds then when she let in 1million refugees (great tv moment) WITHOUT a plan. Without. a. plan. No integration. But increased rape and theft and murder. Then followed by Brexit - the single biggest disaster in the European Union - Britain leaving because of THIS. Ask their main reason why they left "we want self determination", ok.. then ask why exactly "because we saw what happened in Europe/Germany, when a million refugees were let in - without a plan".
THAT is Merkel
3. Then Merkel makes the oil/gas pipeline deal with Russia, saving Putin while his nuts got squeezed by the Fraking industry (US)
4. Then Merkel saves the Iranians, as their nuts get squeezed by the oil price crisis
5. On Top, defunding of the German military...

Again, and again.. nicely played, miss Merkel, almost collapsing EU, and helping enemies around the World.

Are we sure she works for us?
Or just THAT incompetent? And we just keep going with it, because.. equality? Being that incompetent and working for other nations is now ok as long as you've got the right gender?

Is that what's going on? We just ignore it all?

Antitroll said...

Fraking industry has done nothing to Russia, re-educate yourself. Fracking would be dead right now because costs are way too high.
Merkel has probably realized that usa is unpredictable and by fully relying on usa we would be at their mercy. Kind of like how other nations are now diversifying.
Russia is no better than usa and vice versa. Everybody is a cunt in my opinion

Anonymous said...

Russia is no better than usa and vice versa.

Yep, that is right antitroll. Muddy the waters. Journalists get shot or otherwise murdered by the US government all the time in the US.

"It is estimated that 21 journalists have been killed since Russian President Vladimir Putin came to power in March 2000. In the great majority of cases, no one has been convicted and sentenced for the murders."

Why Russia Keeps Poisoning People – Foreign Policy

Come on now antitroll keep us entertained. Say something stupid or Canadian.

Anonymous said...

"A glance at Russian journalists attacked or killed" - AP

Anonymous said...

Here is something stupid or Canadian.

"There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada" so sayeth Prime Minister BLACKface.

Culture: the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group.

A sociologist would tell you that every people have culture. They may not be aware of it like a fish might not be aware that it is water or Trudeau is not away that his nation has a culture.

Canadians have no customs, achievements, or social institutions. I think that special fuck Trudeau might be right. He might be onto something.

Anonymous said...

"Russia is no better than usa and vice versa."

"Anna Stepanovna Politkovskaya: 30 August 1958 – 7 October 2006) was a Russian journalist, writer, and human rights activist who reported on political events in Russia, in particular, the Second Chechen War (1999–2005).

On 7 October 2006, she was murdered in the elevator of her block of flats, an assassination that attracted international attention."

We do not have this in the US although we are getting there. Look at the assaults on journalists in Portland, Oregon by Leftist shits.

Anonymous said...

"Merkel has probably realized that usa is unpredictable and by fully relying ..."

So that explains his trashing of the German military? Britain, France, Germany and Italy should be able to take o the Russian military or at the last tie it up and bleed it enough so as to tempt other nations (like China) to step in and carve it up when it is tied up.

But does Herr Merkel keep the German military strong enough to be a spoiler? Nah!

How is the US untrustworthy to Germany? It embargoed Germany? Attacked it? How? America attacked BMW or some other German company?

Usually in essays, you have paragraphs. The paragraphs have opening statement s which are supported by the following supporting sentences. On a Power point slide there would be bullets which would support what came before them.

Instead we have antitroll asserting something like it was a short hand as if we all know or all agree and then the dude is done with his exposition. Really amazingly lazy.