Sunday, April 5, 2020

Has China Won The War For Global Supremacy?

Chinese President Xi Jinping visits Chuanshan port area of the Ningbo-Zhoushan Port, Zhejiang Province

Edward Lucas: China was once the cradle of the coronavirus pandemic but it has bounced back with astonishing speed, writes EDWARD LUCAS as he reveals the country may have won the war for global supremacy as well

* China's cases of coronavirus have stagnated while Western countries suffer
* Country's regime used mandatory quarantine and other draconian measures
* Virus outbreak has highlighted weaknesses in Western countries' reliance for resources such as medicine

China has — it seems — won its battle against the coronavirus. It may have won the war for global supremacy as well.

That would be a paradoxical outcome. The coronavirus outbreak originated in China, reportedly in the ‘wet’ livestock markets in the city of Wuhan. The (to us) bizarre habits of eating virus-infested wildlife such as snakes and bats — as well as the critically-endangered pangolin — on sale in these markets is a minority taste in modern China.

But in an interconnected, densely populated urban environment it is an epidemiological nightmare — and a danger that the Chinese authorities have ignored.

Delay and deceit over the origins of the outbreak cost precious time — and many thousands of lives both in China and subsequently in the rest of the world.

Indeed, the Chinese Communist Party is still lying about the true number of cases and deaths, according to a new U.S. intelligence report leaked this week. It has led to an increasingly intense war of words between the two nations.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This pandemic has revealed how much of the world's supply chain now runs through China. And with every major economy in the world now shut down, China's role and importance in this global chain becomes even more important. Does this mean China is now the dominant power in the world? At the moment no. But if this global economic shutdown continues for another year (or more), the heavy debt load that it will create and the businesses that it will eliminate .... it is going to take a decade to recover. And the country that will be playing the major role in this recovery will be China. In a certain way the China of today reminds me of the U.S. after the Second World War. The U.S. was the only standing economic power at the end of that conflict, and it used its position to dominate geopolitical events for 75 years. China may find itself in that position in the next year or two as this pandemic continues to ravage the world. And if that happens, you can take this to the bank, China will exploit the situation for its benefit.


Anonymous said...

China will pay a price for this inter connectivity and it will be proportional to the price paid by other countries.

Anonymous said...

Fox News is sued for 'willfully and maliciously deceiving the public' about the dangers of the coronavirus as owner Rupert Murdoch vows to fight 'frivolous' lawsuit

Nonprofit from Washington State filed lawsuit against Fox News Channel
WASHLITE accuses network of 'willfully and maliciously' misleading people
Lawsuit cites Fox News hosts for dismissing coronavirus as a 'hoax'
Fox News called lawsuit 'frivolous' and vowed to fight it in court
Sean Hannity claimed he referred to Democrats' criticism of Trump as a 'hoax'
Fox parted ways with Fox Business Network's Trish Regan last week
Regan earlier this month claimed coronavirus was a 'scam' to 'impeach Trump'

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem with this argument is that China is still predominately an export country. If everybody outside of China is going to be hurting, who is China going to sell stuff to? China also has a massive amount of debt. Lastly, countries are going to want investments in their own countries. I think their me a lot of reluctance to get too involved with China after this.

Anonymous said...

China's working age population will be in constant decline for the rest of century. Hard to see how they will rule the world.

Anonymous said...

"China's working age population will be in constant decline "

That was one model and it is a good model BTW. However, the model has to be recalculated since they went to the 2 child policy.

Anonymous said...

12:39 aka the ever clever Fredo,

How is corona virus not a hoax? Influenza spreads across the world every year and it is killing 10X as many people. We are not calling it pandemic.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Blackdog said...

this article never does mention the decoupling that the US has started and other countries will follow. Everybody is talking about the pharmaceutical industry coming back. As an example. Whether it will or not. Maybe in a small way. It is the US that is the most hurtful to China being the biggest economy of buyers. Maybe a buy America first campaign really catches on. Finally.

Jeffsmith said...

They didn't win anything. They have just lost hundreds of billions of dollars in trade a year. And the long term looks grim as well. If the rest of the world is down then there's nothing to steal. And no money to be made.🖕🤔🤯

Crusader said...

They have only moved even the most 'Hard-Left' of people to question our reliance on China.
This will all backfire on China.