Monday, April 13, 2020

More Evidence That The Priorities In Washington Are Misplaced

WNU Editor: I have been following U.S. politics for decades. And I still cannot understand why many in Washington want to go the extra mile for Iran, even when the government of that country openly calls for the destruction of the U.S..


RussInSoCal said...

For the same reason they are covering for and excusing China and their obvious corruption and ill-intent over their loosing of the Wuhan Flu.

Iran represents the perfect contrarian ideal to the United States. The antithesis. An entity that has been horribly abused and mal-treated by our imperialist ways. An example provided to exhibit the wrongs of our evil culture.

/with the added bonus of our newly imposed 'morality police'.

To promote this culture over ours grants a certain satisfaction to some people.

Because they hate us

Anonymous said...

Russ, can I subscribe to your newsletter?

Antitroll said...

Why not ask the question why they are chanting that? It's the same question I asked my 2 friend's I traveled with, why does everyone hate Americans in the world and not Canadians? Sometimes we need to question the answer

Anonymous said...

80% of America hates you Antitroll and for good reason. The Leftists 20% hates you too, but for different reasons.

Antitroll come from a country that its prime minister describes as having no soul/no culture. You would think with problems that big, that the troll-turd would not shoot at greenhouse windows with his bare ass.

Anonymous said...

I asked my 2 friend's I traveled with, why does everyone hate Americans in the world and not Canadians?

Canada has no foreign policy and at home is a doormat for anyone who wants to arrive from overseas and do as they please.

Anonymous said...

"I asked my 2 friend's I traveled with"

Not his spouse. Oh, the information we give away. Must be a real winner not to be able to hang onto a spouse.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the thing known as antitroll should question what would happen in Canada if Quebec and Ontario voted and then a prime minister closed down voting before the people in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Alberta had finished voting and then convened a rump parliament.

Antitroll still stupid after all these years.

Anonymous said...

So you average empty-headed Leftist is still singing from the same sheet of music given to him or her 2 decades ago. That is that conservatives think whatever is on Fox.

That Ted Cruz tweet, That argument s was flying through out the conservative news media. Yo can shut down Fox and Ted Cruz and out would have still been out there. Personally, I have not used Fox as my go to news source for over a decade. My news source(s) are more distributed now.

I would like to point out the same shit-for-brains, who are afraid of Jerry Falwell running America (in their dreams) have no problem with the Ayatollahs running Iran. Think about that.

Jerry Falwell was never going to run America, but liberals needed their paper tiger and they still check under the bed to see if Jerry is there to this day.

Anonymous said...

Well thought. Hard truth of the world and our history as humans.

Anonymous said...

Proof positive of globalist agendas. Extrapolate logically forward or backward. Self evident it is.