Thursday, April 2, 2020

NATO Forms 10-Member Panel To Ponder The Organization's Future

Politico: NATO names panel to find its brain

The secretary-general appoints a group to help ponder NATO’s future.

BRUSSELS — NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg named a panel of 10 experts on Tuesday to help ensure the alliance isn't brain dead.

Stoltenberg had agreed to seek expert advice on NATO's future after French President Emmanuel Macron declared that the alliance was experiencing "brain death" in a controversial interview with The Economist last autumn.

Macron's comments came amid the chaos of two major allies — the U.S. and Turkey — taking unilateral military action in northern Syria, which seemed clear evidence that NATO was fraying at its seams.

Other allies, however, reacted angrily to Macron's remarks, which they regarded as reckless and damaging. U.S. President Donald Trump called Macron's statement "very insulting to a lot of different forces."

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Update #1: Nato names expert panel after Emmanuel Macron 'brain death' remarks (The Telegraph)
Update #2: NATO forms 10-member panel to reflect on past, mull future (UPI)

WNU Editor: This should be NATO's moment with the pandemic raging through Europe, but they are not being called upon .... The Coronavirus Pandemic Should Be NATO’s Moment (Defense One).


Anonymous said...

Until Munchausen Mutti leaves the political obscene, nothing can be done.

Anonymous said...

And... Turkey is kicked out of NATO...