Saturday, April 11, 2020

Pentagon Chief Warns Enemies: Don't Test Us

France 24: Hit by virus, Pentagon warns enemies: don't test us

With an aircraft carrier forced into port and nuclear missile crews hit by COVID-19, the US military wants rivals to understand: don't test us, we have not been weakened.

Statement after statement from the Pentagon has sought to deliver that message amid questions this week over whether the US fighting force can maintain full readiness, with cases among service members nearing 2,000.

"We're still capable and we're still ready no matter what the threat," Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley said Thursday.

"I wouldn't want any mixed messages going out there to any adversaries that they can take advantage of an opportunity, if you will, at a time of crisis," he added.

"That would be a terrible and tragic mistake if they thought that."

Read more ....

Update #1: Pentagon: US military ready to fight in the time of the coronavirus (Washington Examiner)
Update #2: America’s Top Military Officer Issues Warning For Nations Thinking Of Exploiting Pandemic (Daily Wire)

WNU Editor: The U.S. is being tested all the time .... US F-22 Stealth Fighter Jets Intercept Russian Patrol Aircraft Near Alaska (April 10, 2020), and here .... China's Navy Conducts Navy Exercises In The Pacific (April 10, 2020).


Anonymous said...

I got plans for ground attack

Anonymous said...

Fighting 4 the gloria

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON — Even as experts in his own government were increasingly alarmed about a pandemic threat this January, President Donald Trump apparently remained unconcerned, with no scheduled intelligence briefings before Jan. 6 and only nine the entire month.

In the first week of the year, when dire warnings about the coronavirus and the threat posed to the United States reportedly began showing up in his daily intelligence packet, Trump had only one scheduled briefing, according to a HuffPost review of his daily schedules.

On Jan. 18, when his Health and Human Services secretary finally managed to reach Trump on a Florida golf weekend to discuss the threat, Trump had no scheduled intelligence briefing. Nor was there one on his schedule for Jan. 22, the day Trump famously told CNBC that the virus posed no danger and was limited to a single person who had come in from China.

During that same month with only nine scheduled intelligence briefings, Trump spent six days on his golf course in Florida and staged five reelection rallies.

“Not only did he disregard a series of warnings from the U.S. intelligence community about the outbreak, but in the lead-up to the virus reaching our shores he rarely even held the intelligence briefings that are critical to anticipating threats to the homeland,” said Andrew Bates, a spokesman for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Trump himself acknowledged that he did not appreciate the severity of the danger until just before he imposed travel restrictions on foreigners who had recently been in China on Jan. 31. “When I learned about the gravity of it was sometime just prior to closing the country to China,” he said Wednesday, after being asked specifically when he learned of the intelligence regarding the coronavirus. “So, I don’t know exactly, but I’d like to see the information.”

Anonymous said...

Alright, more Lapides more lies.