Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Russia Says It Is Ready To Discuss Hypersonic Missiles And Other Arms Control Issues With The United States

A handout still image from a video footage made available July 2018 by the Russian Defensc Ministry on its official YouTube page shows the Russian Avangard hypersonic strategic missile system equipped with a gliding hypersonic manoeuvring warhead [Russian Defence Ministry Press Service)

Reuters: Russia says it's ready for hypersonic missile talks with U.S.

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia is ready to discuss hypersonic missiles and other arms control issues with the United States as part of wider discussions about strategic stability, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday.

Cold War-era arms control agreements have been in jeopardy as Russia’s relations with the West have soured in recent years.

In August 2019, the United States pulled out of a landmark strategic arms accord, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), citing Russian non-compliance.

Both countries are developing hypersonic missiles to expand their defence capabilities, with Russian President Vladimir Putin overseeing a test in Crimea in early January.

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Update: Russia ready for hypersonic missile talks with US, says Lavrov (Al Jazeera).

WNU Editor:  Not going to happen. The priority in the U.S. right now is the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. The last thing on anyone's mind in Washington is to have arms control discussions with Russia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh russia wants to talk now?

Was only a year ago when they didn't want to talk as they thought they hold the advantage in hypersonic. How time passes. By the way, the shrinking of the lead was projected to be closed by 2021/2022 with USA taking the lead. So of course the Russians now want to talk, also realising that China is not a trustworthy partner, with Russians dying of the Wuhan virus for weeks now.
Geopolitical shift is all around us but I yet have to see anything that favors China. This might be the collapse that Gordon Chang wrote about years ago already. China's industrial customers left for years prior to covid19 and did business in other Asian countries that are more stable, respectful and trustworthy business partners like Thailand or Vietnam -- who on top are cheaper. This was going on since the 2015s and accelerated during the trump admin and was running a good 3 years already. I mentioned the abandoned buildings from offices to industrial blocks already 2 years ago and warned of the housing bubble in which the Chinese gov was printing money left and right to support the housing market and fend of the bubble. That all started more than 2 years ago already. Just look for my posts on this. And their GDP was faked too, remember? The satellite light analysis posted here by WNU more than a year ago showed that the Chinese GDP might be less by up to 1/3 (33%) then what they claimed -- ie they were far behind the US already even if we believe their data to be true. And now 180+ countries will seek reparations. The US alone will put a bull forward more than 5 trillion and in total the World will want more than 20 trillion in lost GDP, lives and other reparations.

This is an event where China will realise they must change or there will be war.

That simple