Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Russian Su-35 Jet Buzzes U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon Surveillance Aircraft Within 25 Feet Over The Mediterranean Sea


A US Navy P-8A Poseidon. Darrin Zammit Lupi/Reuters

Navy Times: Russian jet buzzes Navy P-8 Poseidon within 25 feet, intercept lasts 42 minutes

A U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon surveillance aircraft was flying in international airspace over the Mediterranean sea Wednesday when it was intercepted by a Russian SU-35, Navy officials said.

The Russian fighter jet reportedly conducted a high-speed inverted maneuver in front of the Poseidon, coming as close as 25 feet from the nose of the U.S. aircraft.

The maneuver “put our pilots and crew at risk,” a statement from U.S. 6th Fleet said.

“The crew of the P-8A reported wake turbulence following the interaction. The duration of the intercept was approximately 42 minutes.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This intercept was done over the Mediterranean Sea, not near the Russian border where these types of intercepts by Russia usually occur. Was the U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon surveillance aircraft tracking a Russian vessel/sub? I think there is more to this story than what is being reported.

More News On A Russian Su-35 Jet Buzzing A U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon Surveillance Aircraft Over The Mediterranean Sea

A Russian fighter jet buzzed a US aircraft by flying an 'inverted maneuver' just 25 feet in front of it -- Business Insider
Russian fighter jet unsafely intercepts US aircraft over Mediterranean Sea -- Washington Examiner
US Navy: Russian Su-35 Conducted 'Unsafe' Interaction With Poseidon Aircraft Over Mediterranean -- Sputnik


Anonymous said...

You think the crew of the U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon had a bad day. Victoria Coates had a real bad day. She is being reassigned to the garden spot of Saudi Arabia.

"Now this…

Rather than fire Coates she was moved to the Department of Energy and awaits special assignment to Saudi Arabia."

She still is getting that all important paycheck, which 10% or more of the population is not getting, so she should be grateful.

Anonymous said...

My first reaction was how did a land based Russian aircraft get near a US plane in the Mediterranean, but then I realized it must have been launched from Russia's Khmeimin air base in Syria. Russian SU-35s are based there. Maybe the P-8 was doing surveillance off the Latakia coast in international waters?
