Friday, April 10, 2020

Should The U.S. Use Privateers To Fight Chinese Aggression At Sea?

The threat of privateers to China’s maritime economy could strengthen deterrence and possibly prevent a war. New York Times

SCMP: US military researchers call for use of privateers against China

* Magazine published by US Naval Institute features articles titled ‘Unleash the Privateers!’ and ‘US Privateering Is Legal’
* But any such move would provoke a retaliation from China, military watchers say

The United States should encourage the use of privateers to fight Chinese aggression at sea, according to a pair of articles in magazine produced by the US Naval Institute.

The reports – titled “Unleash the Privateers!” and “US Privateering Is Legal”, and published in the April issue of Proceedings – suggest the US government issue letters of marque – a commission authorising privately owned ships (privateers) to capture enemy merchant ships.

The authors – Mark Cancian, a retired US Marine Corps colonel and senior adviser at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and Brandon Schwartz, a former CSIS media relations manager – said that China’s larger merchant fleet represented an asymmetric vulnerability with the US, and an attack on China’s global trade would undermine its entire economy and threaten its stability.

Such a campaign would be a legal and low-cost way to contain China’s power rise on the sea, they said, adding that it could prevent, rather than provoke, a war.

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WNU Editor: The article is here ....  Unleash the Privateers! The United States should issue letters of marque to fight Chinese aggression at sea. (Colonel Mark Cancian, U.S. Marine Corps (Retired) and Brandon Schwartz, US Naval Institute).


Anonymous said...

We are that close to WW3 - the last thing we want is the military industrial complex to become more and more profit driven, with less and less oversight. Jesus fcking Christ

Anonymous said...

Bringing up the Military Industrial complex and expecting that proves your point is no different than gratuitously violating Godwin's law with reckless abandon and enthusiasm. It also gives short shrift to the fields of sociology, political science, military science.

Andrew Jackson said...

Great idea! It would be very effective ,make it so!!!

Andrew Jackson said...

We could have fun with Iran!

Anonymous said...

Where's Eric Prince? He has dollar signs for eyes and he's ever so willing to grift. No worries, he'll socialize the risk, privatize the profits into his bank account and America will be super-duper again.

Anonymous said...

It has been done before, so you merely have to allege socialize the risk, privatize the profits and that makes it so?

Merc is always a dirty word?

You realize that a merc can get a state funeral and everyone approves of it (& are not under duress).

The South African Mercs did a good job in Nigeria until they were pulled, because some liberal shitheads complained and did not have a suitable replacement. I guess that is okay because it is over there and you are not black so it is none of your concern.

Seems to me that liberal politicians privatize the profits and socialize the risk. They always have dachas or summer homes and the people get to queue for food.

Nancy has a summer home. Ditto Bernie. Ditto the Moscow Rulers.

Anonymous said...

Bernie has a summer home you say? My word. Do we even live in a capitalist society any more? He's such a hypocrite; I mean having a net worth of a million bucks, the balls on that guy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Bernie Sanders has BIG, gangrenous, pus filled BALLS!

What is your argument? That until the socialist gets victory, it is okay to not walk the talk?

Are you positing that if or when a Bernie Sanders turns America socialist that he will give up his second home? You believe he would? Are you that naive?

9:27 (I mean shit head) you are lucky that you have a kitchen and your own private fridge. That thing was highly frowned upon in the Soviet Union. It was part necessity (scarcity) and part plan. Snowflake communists were afraid that if people had their own private kitchens, they might discuss the multitudinous shortcoming of socialism. They thought it better for people to live on top of one another, so everyone could be easily spied on.

Fuckhead, how do you do social distancing in a commie communal apartment?

Bernie could live in a commune, while running for senate as a socialist. There are a few long term communes in the US (40 years or more). There is no law against a person living as a socialist in America and a few people actually do. They actually walk the talk. But not Bernie.

Those communes are not going to get much bigger. They can try, but it would against human psychology and so it would fail.