Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

"Former President Barack Obama endorses Joe Biden"

Former president obama makes the bravely default choice.

Anonymous said...

Reporter: "...It's from a person who can't be here."

So the reporters are trying to make light of the fact that they have no been a loyal opposition (that is civilly disagree) but an adversarial press to the nth degree & to tell any lie.

No, they want to say we get along.

Same trick they pulled during the Reagan years. Call Reagan every name in he book and then say it's all good, Tip O'Neil and Reagan can still got to the corner pub and have a beer together.

Anonymous said...

STREETS PACKED IN LANSING — Hundreds More on Their Way to Protest Tyrannical Governor — State Police Shut Down Exits Into City! (Photos – VIDEO)

The Fascists are panicking. If they can't steal an election Gretchen will be voted out. Unless she wants to keep office by force!

Liberals believe that buying a lottery ticket or getting an abortion are essential services, but buying seeds for vegetables is not.