Thursday, April 2, 2020

U.S. Government May Tell All Americans To Cover Their Faces In Public

More Americans may need to cover their faces as experts warn breathing and talking may spread coronavirus

Daily Mail: Just breathing or talking could spread coronavirus, Harvard doctor warns as Dr Fauci says the US is 'actively considering' telling all Americans to cover their faces in public

* The National Academy of Sciences warned the White House that breathing or talking could spread coronavirus
* A Harvard doctor warned that Americans may need to cover their faces in public
* Recent studies suggest the virus can travel up to 21 feet through the air

Just breathing and talking can spread coronavirus, a renowned medical group warned the White House Wednesday night.

A leading member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and former Harvard School of Public Health dean, Dr Harvey Fineberg, told CNN that while surgical masks should be reserved for health care workers, he himself is going to be wearing a bandanna or other face covering.

Dr Anthony Fauci, a White House coronavirus task force member and leading infectious disease expert said that the subject of having Americans cover their faces in public is a 'very active discussion' among the committee.

Research remains mixed on whether surgical masks work as well as N95 respirators and whether cloth face coverings do much at all to prevent infection, but Dr Fauci noted that they might be pro

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WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. Wearing a mask will be taken for granted worldwide when this is all over. Asians have been wearing masks for years, and Austria is now mandating that people entering a supermarket must wear a mask .... Austria is making everyone who goes inside a supermarket wear a face mask (CBS News). I live in Canada, and the professional medical position here is that there are no medical benefits for the public to wear a mask. I strongly disagree, and this is why .... Coronavirus: End Canada’s face mask misdirection. It is preposterous (Ian Young, SCMP).


Anonymous said...

The country profiting of deadly pandemic is the same country that started it all: China

I think we'll be at war very soon if this wasn't already the starting shot

Anonymous said...

This is the single greatest US Security Failure. They should have been massively alerting everyone. My Chinese friends were warning people in January about how bad it is in their country, so end of January at the very possibly latest, agents should have forecefully made their way into the White House to demand a briefing. It was that urgent. Where were they? And where was DARPA on this? Grahhhhrrrrr
Likely I don't understand.. likely someone in the CIA, NSA or one of these agencies alarmed their boss who maaaybe forwarded their mail/alert message to their superior, whose assistant who just graduated from wherever, moved it into the low priority folder or whatever the f*ck it is that's happening over there - again, respectfully I don't know - but fix it haha jesus.. you say you saw 9/11 coming. Fine. You say you were misinterpreted on WMD in Iraq. Mhh okay. .But ffs if you have whistleblowers about anything from a gender bathroom labeling, why not have a whistleblower/someone who sounds the alarm for the greatest pandemic this century will likely see? and the economic and direct national security consequences should be aparent to everyone. Where were the Think Tanks? Where were the analysts?
Graahhhr :)

Anonymous said...

I highly doubt that wearing a piece of T-shirt over your mouth is going to do anything. My choices are a simple 3M dust mask that says right on the package that it will not protect you from germs or virus's (but I'm certain it's way more effective than a cotton rag), or a dual element respirator that I use for fiberglass work which would be highly effective, but I'd look like an idiot, plus probably create anxiety for the people around me...

There are a lot of people out there that don't have any access to anything resembling a facemark, and I worry that this is going to cause a panic on it's own.