Thursday, May 28, 2020

Alberta Prenier Kenney Says Risk Of Death From Other Factors Higher Than Coronavirus

FOX News: Canadian official says risk of death from other factors higher than coronavirus

A top official in Canada says most people have a better chance of dying from "other pathogens, accidents, and traffic fatalities" than from coronavirus.

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney made the comments this week as he argued wholesale shutdowns of the economy are no longer necessary for coronavirus.

“For most Albertans, the risk of death from other pathogens, accidents and traffic fatalities is actually higher than it is for COVID,” Kenney said Wednesday, according to the Calgary Herald.

Kenney referred to coronavirus as “an influenza that does not generally threaten life” apart from at-risk populations.

"What we are learning is that younger people, while not completely immune, have a rate of mortality related to COVID that is no higher than their general mortality rate for other illnesses," Kenney told the house Wednesday.

Read more ....

Update: Kenney begins to normalize COVID-19 as a risk mainly to the elderly, almost zero danger to the young (Calgary Herald)

WNU Editor: In the Canadian province that I live in (Quebec), 4300 people have died from Covid-19, of which 82% were seniors with serious medical problems in long term care facilities. For those who were below 60 and healthy, Covid-19 has not been that much of a threat.


Anonymous said...

"In the Canadian province that I live in (Quebec), 4300 people have died from Covid-19, of which 82% were seniors with serious medical problems in long term care facilities. For those who were below 60 and healthy, Covid-19 has not been that much of a threat."

"For those who were below 60 and healthy, Covid-19 has not been that much of a threat."

Which is why the whole lockdown thing is utter bullshit.

It is of concern, but not OMG type of concern for those over 60 in good health. People over 100 have beat the disease.

There is no reason that anyone in any country should be going hungry due to COVID. There is no reason why people cannot be driving tractor to plow fields or do what every they do to plant, tend and harvest crops.

Of course we should take the disease seriously but not by lockdown. It should be by protecting those over 60 with underlying conditions. Lockdown over 2 weeks is a political weapon.

The country of my birth (Fly over country that the Twitter Overlord Yoel Roth hates) takes point of pride in the percentage of people living to ages of 70 to 100. We figure we must be doing something right.

8:25 and Yoel Roth think alike. Imagine that.

B.Poster said...


Where I live in Montgomery County in Conroe, TX the percentages are similar. For someone under 65 whose in decent health andvis not in some type senior loving center there chances of having problems with this are very low. Yet we shut down whole segments our economy over this.

While I can't speak for why Canada did this, I can understand why US leaders did this. US leaders especially at the federal level tend to be pompous, impulsive, and power hungry fools who enjoy lording over others. Being impulsive they tend not to seek input from others outside of their own immediate circle. They also tend not to look before they leap. This has caused numerous people around the world great pain over many years. Essentially they ask people to carry burdens they themselves aren't willing to carry.

As this virus goes through South America while this virus goes through, they could lesrn from our mistakes. Don't shut down whole segments of your economy and don't allow power hungry thug fear mongering officials to frighten you.

Anonymous said...

Well, if I'm not mistaken there wasn't much known about this and lots of contradictions to begin with. No thanks to xi-boy where this started and the press's sensationalism. But...the world has learned and turnaround and recovery should be more rapid than predicted by the latest "expert" to stand in front of a TV. Too many were allowed to give their uneducated opinion in the scramble for ratings by the media. On the other hand, I know I read a few stories from survivors and I wouldn't have wanted to say I was a survivor. The cost of being able to claim such didn't sound worth the discomfort. Soooo...I got out my 5 year old 3MMM N95 face mask, still in it's unopened packaging and made in America, gloves, etc. just to be safe. Now I've loosened up a bit.

manstien said...

A loss of liberty we will not recover from fully. Shame on us all.