Saturday, May 2, 2020

Are Americans Giving Up On Social Distancing, Wearing Masks, And Restricting Their Travel?

WASHINGTON DC: U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds and Navy Blue Angels pass over the National Mall Saturday

Daily Mail: Thousands across the country defy lockdowns to watch Blue Angels flyovers, pack parks and flock to farmers markets in the sunshine - despite the threat of $1,000 fines for not social distancing

* 'We are expecting the warmest day since March 20th, when it reached 77 in Central Park,' the National Weather Service in New York said on Saturday
* In D.C., the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels and the Air Force Thunderbirds flew over the National Mall to honor frontline healthcare workers
* Mayor Bill de Blasio ordered 1,000 cops into New York City's parks this weekend as temperatures are expected to rise into the 70s
* The police will be enforcing a 'no tolerance for gatherings' policy for anyone gathering in groups in defiance of coronavirus social-distancing restrictions and face $1,000 fines for flouting rules
* There are now more than 1,150,000 cases of coronavirus in the U.S. with more than 66,000 deaths
* New York has 312,977 people infected with the coronavirus and 18,909 have died
* In Washington D.C., 4,797 people have come down with COVID-19 and 240 people have died

Folks who have been locked down for weeks on the East Coast stepped out Saturday as they were greeted with a seemingly rare warm day, after a very gray April brought excessive rainfall.

'We are expecting the warmest day since March 20th, when it reached 77 in Central Park,' the National Weather Service in New York said on Twitter, Saturday. 'Still chilly on the ocean though.'

New Yorkers, some who have been holed up in their homes for almost two months, practiced social distancing as they enjoyed the warm weather in Central Park.

In D.C., the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels and the Air Force Thunderbirds flew over the National Mall to honor frontline healthcare workers. Spectators in Maryland also gathered to watch.

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WNU Editor: I give it another week or two, and all of these restrictions are going to be ignored. My friends in Europe are telling me that there are exceptions, but the trend is to also "open up". Same in Asia. Russia is a different story. All my friends and family are telling me that the entire country is now under lock-down. Brazil and Ecuador are also being battered by this corinavirus.


Anonymous said...

Walmart was a joke. People were wearing surgical masks, but I saw a dozen that had them down around their chin. The good item, the very thing was there was no kids sitting in shopping carts, where you put food. That is not a problem of Walmart, but of Walmart, Target and many other stores.

In neighborhood people are not practicing social distancing. It was 3 or 4 feet or normal distancing instead 6 feet. They were exercising their freedom of assembly (1st amendment) no matter what governor man boob says.

I saw a home improvement store and no one had masks.

The death toll outside of Democrat run nay ruined NYC and NYC just does not justify the shutting down the economy.

B.Poster said...

Anon (10:22)

So true!! Of course if they had leaders other than "Mario the butcher" or "Bill the murderer" perhaps it wouldn't have gotten to this point for them. These idiots just now figured our that it might be a good idea to clean the subways once a day!! Unfortunaty POTUs has to work with such imbeciles and for better or worse out system of government won't allow him to remove them based upon their obvious lack of merit.

Anonymous said...

A guy walked into the grocery store the other day with his T-shirt pulled up over his nose and mouth...highly effective virus guard. The clerks weren't too stoked about it, were discussing whether they were going to kick him out, not sure what they decided. I'm hoping we get to the point that the stores will hand out cheap single use surgeons masks to customers before they enter the store. A friend of mine who works in a hardware store told me that they are starting to get masks on the shelves again, I doubt N95 level, but its still better than the homemade jobs I'm sure.

Antitroll said...

Don't wear a mask, get sick and get stronger.

Anonymous said...


You are such a nice Leftist and wrong as usual.

I have heard estimates that 80% of the population will be infected with COVID-19 before it is over. So it is a question of when not if.

I am not sure, if you understand that since you have learning disabilities. After all you are a Leftist.

This works out. There are 20% of people that I hope never get COVID-19. They would be the (otherwise) sick, the elderly, and the young ( babies / toddlers).

If you have a memory longer than 2 weeks (Don't check. You don't), they said the travel ban would not work. That we would get COVID anyway. The 'experts' (some of them) had a valid point and Leftist had a talking point. Two things about the travel ban. SARS never really got to America. We had 115 cases 2 moths into SARS. It seems a travel ban may have worked. Another reason to implement a travel ban is the same reason as to social distance. To flatten the curve so hospitals would not be over run.

That is the only reason to social distance. To flatten the curve so hospitals will not be overrun. They say we are going to get it anyway.

Myself, being a thinking adult unlike someone, I would rather get COVID in summer. Colds add such sicknesses do not last as long. The air is different. It is warmer and has more humidity. Your body is not as stressed due to the cold temperature, less sunlight and fry air.

If that makes sense you, do not worry. You'll go to bed, reset, get up, and be the same vituperative Leftist you have always been.

COVID #1 circa 2002

Pediatrician says 80% of kids likely have coronavirus, but they're so asymptomatic you'd never know

COVID is as natural as measles.

B.Poster said...

Since it's about 20% whose most likely to be affected by this, it would make more sense to implement policies to protect these groups than to shut down whole segments of the economy. COVID is indeed as natural as the measles. The only thing "novel" about this is the government's response to it.