Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Are Demonstrators About To Return To The Streets In Iran?


Business Insider: Iran's mishandled coronavirus response is triggering a backlash against the regime

* Having mishandled its coronavirus epidemic, the Iranian regime has pushed citizens to the brink.
* The government is likely undercounting the number of coronavirus cases and deaths, and some leaders have not provided enough support to hospitals in need.
* As a matter of foreign policy, the United States should strengthen its ties to the Iranian people, while opposing the regime.
* Cynthia Schneider served as US ambassador to the Netherlands from 1998 to 2001. She is a professor in the practice at Georgetown University. Nik Kowsar is an exiled journalist and a water/environmental analyst for Iran International TV.

As the coronavirus spreads throughout Iran, a quiet revolution is simmering, unnoticed in the US media.

The Iranian regime's mishandling of COVID-19 – downplaying it while the government hoarded tests, doing nothing to alleviate the dire medical and economic situation – is the final straw after the massacre of 1,500 protesters in November 2019, and the January shooting of a civilian plane killing 176 people and subsequent cover up. The recent friendly fire mishap in the Gulf of Oman, killing nineteen Iranian sailors, only aggravates the already bad situation.

The regime has united Iranians across social and economic lines in their opposition. In November 2019, the protesters shot in the streets mostly came from the marginalized communities of the urban poor, often forced by water shortages to leave their rural livelihoods.

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WNU Editor: I am surprised that they are not demonstrating on the streets right now.


Anonymous said...


B.Poster said...

I'm not surprised. I'm a place like Iran, demonstrating against the government is a good way to get killed.

Government officials can test them for COVID-19. When they test positive, into quarantine they go to die as a casualty of the virus. This thing is a gift to any government wishing to eliminate undesirables. No questions will be asked.

B.Poster said...

I meant "in a place like Iran." I apologize for the typo.