Thursday, May 21, 2020

Cases Of Covid-19 Have Reached Five Million Globally

This chart shows how South America (in red) is now recording the largest number of new coronavirus infections per day, overtaking North America (in green) for the first time yesterday after previously surpassing Asia (purple) and Europe (blue). The rise has been driven by a surge in new cases in Brazil. Africa and Oceania have far fewer cases

Daily Mail: More than five million people have been infected with coronavirus worldwide, with Latin America now seeing the largest rise in cases each day

* Latin America's rise is driven by a surge in new infections in Brazil and a growing outbreak in Argentina
* South America yesterday overtook North America to become the continent with the fastest growth in cases
* Global tally of coronavirus cases is now above five million, with at least 328,462 people dead from Covid-19

The coronavirus has infected more than five million people around the world, with Latin America now seeing the fastest growth in new cases.

A surge in cases in Brazil and a growing outbreak in Argentina have propelled South America ahead of North America as the continent with the most new infections.

Yesterday, South America recorded 27,517 new cases, ahead of North America with 24,935, Asia with 21,542 and Europe with 17,275. Africa and Oceania have seen far fewer cases so far.

Experts fear that the worst is yet to come in the developing world, when even the rich world has seen its health systems overwhelmed by the crisis.

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More News On Cases Of Covid-19 Reaching Five Million Globally

Global coronavirus cases surpass 5 million, infections rising in South America -- Reuters
Global coronavirus cases exceed 5 million, with South America reporting most new infections -- France 24
Global coronavirus cases pass 5 million as situation worsens in Brazil, Russia, India -- ABC News Online
Number of Covid-19 cases surpasses 5 million worldwide – Johns Hopkins University -- RT


Anonymous said...

Local radio and local country health department have reported an 80% recovery rate to date. Some people are at home quarantined and so are not counted as recovered.

There will be a lot of political bloodshed from this disease. Yes, it is a real disease, but it is nowhere near as bad as some liars and charlatans have made it out to be.

Hopefully, red ink follows form certain "news:" outlets.

I've never be so mad at a dead man, George Orwell, for being FUCKING RIGHT!

Freaking nightmare of lies and propaganda.

WNU is doing his part. And getting the Rick Moran treatment.

Anonymous said...

5 million out of 7 billion

7 out 10,000

Oh my!

Oh Dear!

Oh No!

"The Horror! The Horror!"

bloggerbudy said...

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