Monday, May 11, 2020

China Will Not Write Off Loans To Other Countries As They Struggle To Repay Debt During The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandamic

CNBC: China under pressure to write off loans as countries struggle to repay debt during coronavirus crisis

* “Many countries under the (Belt and Road) initiative have borrowed heavily from China to invest in new projects, but the pandemic is disrupting economies and will complicate repayment plans,” said Kaho Yu, senior Asia analyst at Verisk Maplecroft.
* Yu told CNBC that currently, low-income countries under the BRI are already asking China for debt relief.
* China has had a track record of taking over assets when countries indebted to it go under.
* It will be “under pressure” to extend those loans or even write them off, analysts say.

China could find itself having to write off massive loans as countries that owe Beijing money under its massive infrastructure project struggle with mounting debts in the coronavirus fallout, analysts say.

China’s mammoth infrastructure investment plan — also known as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) — is highly controversial and widely criticized for saddling many countries with debt.

It is an ambitious project that aims to build a complex network of rail, road and sea routes stretching from China to Central Asia, Africa and Europe. It is also aimed at boosting trade. Chinese financial institutions have provided hundreds of billions in funding to countries involved in the BRI projects.

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WNU Editor: China is not like the West where debts and loans are written off or substantially reduced. China will want something in return if they alleviate a country's debt burden. A naval or military base here. A political concession there. A long term lease over there. A transfer of a nation's gold reserve. But write a debt off. LOL! Never!


Anonymous said...

What did the French and British do in Egypt in the 1880s?

RussInSoCal said...

With the belligerence that China is conducting its world affairs, it could easily find itself in a number of nasty guerrilla wars - in some of the toughest regions on the planet.

Anonymous said...

Guerilla wars are not tough. It is just a matter how you want to go about it. Any guerilla army can be defeated. The military political situation for the victor might be tough or impossible afterwards.

G said...

I will go to WAR

G said...

fall of man

Anonymous said...

I notice Laos and Cambodia are heavily indebted to China. Would be in SE Asia's interest to help them pay that debt off (with Austrailia, the US, and maybe even Japan and India helping out). Get/keep China out of SE Asia--a strategically important part of the world where Chinese influence is concerned.

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