Tuesday, May 26, 2020

China's Military Says It Is Prepared To Impose Security In Hong Kong, As More Protests Are Expected

CNN: China's military promises to uphold 'national sovereignty' as more Hong Kong protests expected

Hong Kong (CNN)China's top military commander in Hong Kong has emphasized the role of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) in upholding "national sovereignty" in the city a day ahead of expected anti-government protests.

Chen Daoxiang, the PLA commander in Hong Kong, was speaking days after China announced plans to introduce a draconian new national security law which threatens many of the semi-autonomous city's civil liberties and political freedoms.

"Garrison officers and soldiers are determined, confident, and capable of safeguarding national sovereignty and development interests and the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong," Chen said Tuesday, adding that the Hong Kong Garrison viewed the national security law as "conducive to deter separatist forces and external intervention."

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More News On China's Military Saying It Is Prepared To Impose Security In Hong Kong

China is moving in with national security law as Hong Kong legislature ‘has failed to deliver,’ official says -- CNBC
China's military says it is prepared to protect security in Hong Kong, as protests grow -- The Guardian
China’s Military Chief in Hong Kong Vows to Protect Beijing’s Interests -- WSJ
China's Military Vows to 'Punish' Any Attempts to Separate Hong Kong -- Newsweek


Jac said...

Yes, I strongly trust the PLA for that, no problem. That said, the backlash will be huge and more powerful than the PLA action. We just don't know yet what the consequence will be and the consequence of the consequences will be too. This looks like as a spiraling thing.

Unknown said...

If the PLA have a PLAN I doubt it will be all at sea. (Geddit? See what I did there?) The Chinese are great planners. They'll take whatever action they deem necessary regardless of consequences. The brouhaha will shirt term & things will become normal. Never forget Trump will still be in the establishment & establishment media's sights whatever happens & will take the lions share of news coverage/constant criticism. Keep ducking 🖖😎