Thursday, May 14, 2020

China's State Media Says Beijing Will Interfere In The U.S. Election

China US Photo:Global Times

IRC: State Media: China Retaliation Will ‘Impact’ U.S. Election

State media reveals China is furious over coronavirus lawsuits brought by American politicians, which seek financial restitution for the destruction Covid-19 has had on U.S. lives and the economy. The Global Times, citing “sources close to the matter,” reveals that “China won’t just strike back symbolically, but will impose countermeasures that will make them feel pain.”

The outlet makes clear that “at least” four Republican lawmakers, including Senators Josh Hawley and Tom Cotton, as well as “two US entities” will be put on China’s sanctions list.

The “sources” explained just how “severe” the consequences will be against those who have sought to the Xi regime accountable: “Republicans who have been groundlessly accusing China and inflaming the ‘holding China accountable’ political farce will face severe consequences, sources said, noting that the aftermath will also impact the upcoming November elections, while business and trade between Missouri and China will be further soured.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The Global Times article that says this is here .... China targets GOP hawks, US firms, states over lawsuits (Global Times).


Anonymous said...

Zzzzzzz. Zzzzzz. Zzzzz.

Anonymous said...

But Wussia

But Wussia!

