Thursday, May 21, 2020

Could The U.S. And China 'Sleepwalk' Into A New War?

US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping are sleepwalking towards a potential lose-lose conflict. Image: Youtube

Francesco Sisci, Asia Times: US, China could be sleepwalking into a new war

US and China are playing a bizarre game of chicken in which both sides stand to lose

Is the world sleepwalking into a new war, be it hot or cold? And is the virus the oil to lubricate and fuel the clash that is centered on China and the US, but impacts the world?

Are countries playing a bizarre game of chicken where neither wants to step back for fear of losing domestic support? It is hard to miss this trend and most importantly, this is all happening without checks and stops.

There is no international organization apparently able to pull the brakes or mediate in this predicament.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I am not worried about the U.S. and China "sleepwalking" in a war. I am more worried on China deliberately getting involved in a war with one of its neighbours, and then dragging everyone else into it.


Anonymous said...

The Sino-Vietnamese War seems like a bit of a stalemate. As a chevauchée maybe it was a Chinese victory. Certainly a lot got torn up in Vietnam. But China lost a lot of men. Maybe it didn't care and it was actually a bonus considering the sex imbalance and overall job outlook.

China fought a country 10 times smaller on its border and there were not clear, convincing results., It was over a generation ago and there has been a lot of modernization on both sides. So maybe it doesn't matter.

Still maybe China ought to think before something happens.

Jac said...

The problem is the Xi Jimping way of thinking. He know that the President cannot go to war, that is the congress privilege, and the congress is following the American people opinion. During WWII American people didn't want a war and the USA didn't get involve in the WWII before Pearl Harbor.
Xi Jimping could think that the same process could happen. In this case he can take the risk of a war with other countries without the risk of being at war with USA. On top of that, few "little" wars could be a good training for a future war with America.

Anonymous said...

Anon @1141

Having been to Vietnam I can tell you they are tough people used to hardship. Very good fighters who love their country and culture. Also, the US didn't win despite a higher body count. It is nearly impossible to invade and control countries that have hard terrain and a determined population. Sure sure you could say drop nukes and you're done. That's a fallacy. Japan surrendered not only because of nukes but because they were already near their end and the US was fighting a ruthless land/sea/air war against an island nation, sinking almost all ships and downing almost all airplanes at that point. Firebombing on top.

So yeah.. if you mess with a country you either have to do unspeakable things or - more often than not- you lose the war.

Thankfully the US is not as brutal as they were back then - but even back then much of the brutality was justified in their eyes because Japan attacked first @ pearl harbour and was very unpopular because of the prior Sino Japanese war and their alliance to Nazi Germany later.

On top. .you'd have a lot of issues with neighbours if you dropped big nukes because of the fallout that doesn't respect borders. That's one of the reasons why the US goes for smaller yield non-salted nukes. .. while China and Russia go for negating salted nukes - ie life enders

Everyone knows a kinetic war between China and the US would change life on this planet. So you see warfare by other means. .

Both sides (and especially China) are conducting information and cultural warfare, with the Chinese being taught to despise the west. The dehumanization step is important. China is a near 100% ethno state ruled 100% by Han Chinese. Even Germany has other races in high offices. The Chinese do not and will not. On top cyber warfare, economic warfare etc etc

China is a huge threat to mankind. .not because they have started many wars-they have not-but because they think they are the best-like nazi Germany back then - just that their transformation of dehumanization is more successful, their propaganda machine and control machine thanks to their social scoring system and constant monitoring is absolute and our media is failing us. Understandably so if you consider CNN is owned in part by China. So is Walt Disney. So is comcast.

And our "journalists" are hacks, political activists who do not understand how much they harm us all. How could they? The cancel culture is entirely a left phenomenon. And you can guess why. Follow the money.

Anonymous said...

"China is a near 100% ethno state ruled 100% by Han Chinese. Even Germany has other races in high offices. The Chinese do not and will not. On top cyber warfare, economic warfare etc etc"

Communist states are rule d by the Iron Rule of Oligarchy.

During the height of the Soviet Union how many ethnic Muslims or Asian did you see o the Central Committee or Politburo?

While I saw the glossy picture by Nat Geo of couples in Uzbekistan or Turkmenistan with Russian and Central Asian people mixed on a skating rink, it seemed to not go all the way to the top and also to be an unstable equilibrium.

In China the tried to bring a Uighur woman in the Central committee. She was highly successful multi-millionaire and they were trying to co-opt her. They were not looking to have a central committee look like the ethnic make up of China.

Anonymous said...

Skating rink was probably “Medeu” ice skating rink in Almaty, Kazakhistan. Kazakhistanis probably the most egalitarian, civilized of the stans.

kidd said...

all you got to do is attack the heart of china and let them eat there hearts out go to hell

kidd said...

look at there eyes lies lies lies fools they dont know themselves . if they did there wont b fire power.. cuz god is in there hearts

kidd said...

i think it started already