Friday, May 15, 2020

German Navy's MKS 180 Warship Program To Proceed

Official rendering of Damen's MKS 180. It appears to be based on the OMEGA design. Damen image.

Naval News: German Navy’s MKS 180 Multi-Purpose Combat Ship Program Back on Track

The MKS 180 Multi-Purpose Combat Ship Program of the German Navy (Deutsche Marine) is back on track following an official announcement by German Federal Minister of Defence, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer.

The German Ministry of Defense (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung) announced this morning that the public procurement tribunal has ended the review procedure on the MKS 180 program, clearing the way for parliamentary approval this summer and a subsequent contract award in 2020:

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Update: German shipyard shuffle clears path for MKS 180 warship program to proceed (Defense News)

WNU Editor: This is a multibillion-dollar program to build large frigate-type warships for the German Navy.