Friday, May 1, 2020

In Mid-January Beijing Issued An Urgent Worldwide Call Among Its Foreign Staff To Acquire As Much Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) As Possible

Global News: United Front groups in Canada helped Beijing stockpile coronavirus safety supplies

In mid-January, Chinese consulates in Canada and worldwide issued an urgent call. China was concerned that the new coronavirus raging in Wuhan was so deadly and infectious that its nurses and doctors would run out of safety supplies.

It needed personal protective equipment (PPE).

In just six weeks, China imported 2.5 billion pieces of epidemic safety equipment, including over two billion safety masks, Chinese government data shows.

And this raises big concerns on a number of fronts, say critics, including Conservative MP Erin O’Toole.

China was evidently hiding the extent of a pandemic that endangered the world while covertly securing PPE at low prices. This “surreptitious” operation left “the world naked with no supply of PPE,” Jorge Guajardo, Mexico’s former ambassador to Beijing, told Global News.

The result: starting in March, after COVID-19 had circled the globe, countries that provided masks to China in January and February were forced to compete for China’s supply.

By late January, sources in manufacturing and military circles were warning western governments that China seemed to be covertly seizing global PPE supply, O’Toole and Guajardo said.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This reveals to me that the Chinese government was aware in mid-January that this coronavirus outbreak was deadly serious, and to grab as much PPEs as possible. You do not issue an emergency call and be willing to spend literally billions of dollars unless it was serious. It infuriates me to know that during this same period of time they were telling everyone that the outbreak was not serious, even getting the World Health Organization to agree with their assessment. Sighhh .... my blood pressure is rising again.

Update: The above video is a must see on how China operated in getting all of this medical equipment.


Unknown said...

This situation is going to get very very naughty indeed before it gets better in about 2 years time. 🖖😲

Dave Goldstein said...

You are surprised? Maybe it was an accident. I still think it's a bio weapon that got loose by accident or on purpose.

Anonymous said...


So why would the US intel community say that it was not? To confuse the Chinese about our sources or methods?

The sources would have to be new ones, since the old ones were rolled up under the estimable Brennan.

There was an article about gene splicing form Australia where they made a virus that had a 100% kill rate among mice. The author was of the opinion that if the Chinese had wanted a bio weapon they could have done better.

If it were me, I would plan for 2 or 3 waves of bio weapons. In chem warfare sometimes the 1st wave is a gimme. It does not really rack up casualties. It purpose is to deteriorate equipment. Use it up (Bring down the CAP).

A binary viral attack would be interesting. the 1st wave doesn't really do anything but makes some changes. The 2nd one completes those changes. So either wave does not look deadly at all, by itself.

Anonymous said...

Some really good ideas. I would worry that a fairly benign first wave might alert the target. Bio-weapons would be very useful for area denial and/or media manipulation.

Anonymous said...

But if the 1st wave was just another variant of something like influenza, how would you know?

Corona holds more information than the influenza virus. There is more room to monkey around.

Anonymous said...


B.Poster said...

I recall reading some things that suggest the second and third waves of a pathogen can be deadlier than the first wave. Perhaps this explains the hysterical reaction by our government to a contagion whose primary target is the elderly, those with underlying health conditions, and the immunocompromised. Many of these people sadly would've died of something else within a 365 day period even had this thing had not come along.

If the primary concern is minimizing loss of life in the first wave, we believe it is naturally occurring, and we don't have compelling reason to believe the pathogen is going to be any deadlier in the next wave, we take precautions to protect those most at risk while allowing the rest of us to live normally. If we are working under different assumptions, then maybe this explains this behavior on the part of our government.

They should tell us if they think this is a bio weapon or if they think the next waves are going to be far more deadly than this one. They should also present their evidence with full understanding that their track record for honor and integrity is not exactly good.

Why would the US Intel community say that it wasn't? Two possibilities I can think of: 1.) They simply don't know and are guessing. After all their track record is less than stellar. I've learned to treat what they say with skepticism. 2.) Trump has been talking tough against China in the last few days. They may be trying to defuse tensions with China based upon what they think the best policy is. After all trying to undercut president Trump is nothing new for these people or government careerists in general.

Anonymous said...

The problem I have with the scenario "China knowingly did this" is the fact that without our economy buying from them they couldn't finance or sustain the domestic and military growth they have had. It doesn't make sense to destroy your golden goose.

RussInSoCal said...

/ Wow if China keeps digging their hole, they'll reach Africa by November.

Anonymous said...

Poster: our intel is good. worry about Russia, your handlers