Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Italy Has 'Two Aircraft Carriers' But No Stealth Fighters To fly From Them

'Trieste.' Ivan Guida via Wikipedia

Forbes: Italy’s Getting Two Aircraft Carriers. Too Bad It Won’t Have Enough Stealth Fighters To Fly From Them

She squeezed through the narrow channel at the Maritime Military Arsenal in Taranto, Italy, all 27,000 tons of her. It was May 6, and the Italian aircraft carrier Cavour was leaving the semi-enclosed basin at the arsenal following 10 months of work costing $76 million.

That work involved, among other efforts, adding a layer of heat-resisting material to Cavour’s 801-foot-long flight deck so the vessel, the flagship of the Italian fleet, safely can operate Lockheed Martin LMT F-35B stealth jump jets, whose downward-blasting lift fans produce enough heat to melt the decks of unprepared ships.

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WNU Editor:  This is what bad planning looks like.


B.Poster said...

"This is what bad planning looks like." Bad planning seems to be a trait that is consistent with government in particular.

A case in point is the COVID-19 responses. While I have the utmost respect for the leaders in charge of the response to this in Montgomery County Texas where I live, the models they and the state of TX were using were projecting 100K infections in the county by 4/15. The models and the experts pushing them were making extraordinary claims which normally require extraordinary proof but not in this case!! They were accepted by what appears to be blind faith in these so called experts!! Not only did they fail to ask the hard questions of these people that would normally be expected in such a situation but they did not seem to even plan for the things like mass unemployment, mental illness, increased child and spousal abuse, chronic health problems that would be exacerbated because treatment would need to be put off, and new health issues that would arise due to the extreme stress of the situation. There appears to have been absolutely no planning for this on the federal level and only cursory planning for this at the TX state and local level even though these outcomes were obvious to anyone with a basic understanding of economics and human health. Essentially the cure has been worse than the disease. Thankfully in TX we are finally coming out of it but it remains to be seen what the extent of the permanent damage will be. Governments don't plan. This is nothing new. I think part of the problem is they spend other people's money and they gamble with the live of other people as they plan. Essentially I have yet to see a government official make a single sacrifice as a result of COVID-19 much less make anything close to what they have been asking us to make. Essentially they place extreme hardships on people that they themselves do not bear nor would they ever expect to.

Now back to the topic at hand, aircraft carriers. I remember reading some time ago that Italy had two of these things. It seems an unreasonable expenditure and a waste of money for Italy to have even one of these based upon its security needs. Of course not being Italian I could be missing something. Now we learn that not only have the spent money on something that would seem to be of dubious value already but they have not even taken the proper steps to be able to use it properly. Governments fail to plan properly. This is nothing new under the sun I suppose.

B.Poster said...

If they should need the extra F-35Bs, at least they have the capacity to add them in the future. A worse problem would be finding out you need them and needing to construct from scratch the capacity to support them!!

Italy like other "western" nations including the United States needs to make a frank assessment of their defense needs assessing the most likely threats and deploying resources accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Well that is 2 more CV's than Russia has!

Anonymous said...

What is the point of having 2 aircraft carriers when you cannot defend you borders from illegal aliens?