Wednesday, May 13, 2020

More Signs From China That They Want To Walk Away From Their Trade Deal With The U.S.

Chinese Vice-Premier Liu He and US President Donald Trump signed the phase one trade deal in January. Photo: Reuters

SCMP: Coronavirus: US-China blame game prompts Beijing hawks to ramp up criticism of phase one trade deal

* Ahead of China’s crucial ‘two sessions’ policy meetings next week, criticism of the US-China trade deal has grown from state-backed news and social media outlets
* Analysts suggest Beijing is still committed to phase one, but the gloves are off with regard to how the deal and the US handling of it is discussed in official organs

Hours after top negotiators finished up their first teleconference since the US-China phase one trade deal was signed in January, a blog thought to have ties to officials in Beijing published an aggressive attack on Washington’s perceived muddying of the agreement with the row over coronavirus.

“Everyone with a discerning eye can see that there is a clear logic behind these actions,” read a post on Friday on Taoran Notes, a WeChat account affiliated with the official Economic Daily newspaper, which was closely followed through more than a dozen rounds of US-China trade talks for the inside line from China’s negotiating team.

“Some people in the United States insist that ‘the election situation is greater than the epidemic situation’, and the political interests of the minority are placed above the lives of the majority. Essentially, this is a disregard for life.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Welcome to doing business with China. I have been doing deals with China since the 1980s. And this is their playbook when it comes to buying goods from overseas. When negotiating they delay, obfuscate, disagree, etc., and on the last day a compromise is always reached because to not have one will be a loss of face. But right after a deal has been agreed to, a few weeks/months/a year later .... new demands to renegotiate the deal are made, and when refused they go about ignoring their agreement. This is what is happening now. China does not want to buy goods from a country that they perceive as their number one threat. Especially if it would help President Trump win later this year in the Presidential election. But China also knows that if they do not abide by the terms of their agreement, the U.S. will simply slap on more tariffs. Tariffs that China does not need to face right now as it tries to restart its export economy.


Mike Feldhake said...

Well that just suck for them. Trump will stick to his game and if we need to Tariff them. That is why Trump will win in a resounding election this year!

Unknown said...

Trump will (economically) nuke these thieves from orbit if they insist on playing games.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You had it going, but you blew it big time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Perhaps all you want to but you've blown it.

Blackdog said...

Read this article found it interesting.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if China realizes how different this time is?

Dave Goldstein said...

China has messed up in a really bad way. No more easy money