Sunday, May 10, 2020

New Study: If 80% Of Americans Wore Masks, COVID-19 Infections Would Plummet

Xiaomei Chen

Vanity Fair: If 80% of Americans Wore Masks, COVID-19 Infections Would Plummet, New Study Says

There’s compelling evidence that Japan, Hong Kong, and other East Asian locales are doing it right and we should really, truly mask up—fast.

It sounds too good to be true. But a compelling new study and computer model provide fresh evidence for a simple solution to help us emerge from this nightmarish lockdown. The formula? Always social distance in public and, most importantly, wear a mask.

If you’re wondering whether to wear or not to wear, consider this. The day before yesterday, 21 people died of COVID-19 in Japan. In the United States, 2,129 died. Comparing overall death rates for the two countries offers an even starker point of comparison with total U.S. deaths now at a staggering 76,032 and Japan’s fatalities at 577. Japan’s population is about 38% of the U.S., but even adjusting for population, the Japanese death rate is a mere 2% of America’s.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: When I first visited the Far East (early 1980s), no one was wearing a mask. Today, almost everyone is wearing a mask. The culture has changed, and the reason why is because everyone in the Far East knows that it makes a difference. The same is now happening in Europe and North America. I never wore a mask until this past March. And I am not alone. I would say about a third of the people that I meet outside are now wearing a mask, and this number is increasing. As to why do I wear a mask .... it is all about minimizing the risk of getting sick, and to minimize the chances of getting my loved ones sick.


Anonymous said...

Not eating bat soup would also help.

Anonymous said...

Why should this information be given any credence when all the other information hasn't been worth anything.

G said...

God loves u

G said...

So wizard up now or dies

G said...

Ph 7 water please

Anonymous said...

When your leaders are setting below examples which doesn't help.

G said...

Love look at dawn up down all around

G said...

Listen to the voice of God

G said...

Is twilight

G said...


Anonymous said...

Cargo Vessel Unloads Migrants in Sicily As Migrant Route Numbers Rise

All these young illegal migrants are so afraid of COVID.

If FUCKING liberals would quit lying about everything, things would be a Helluva lot better.

There is no need for a lockdown for 80% or more of the populations. Precautions have to be made, but there is no reason why most people cannot go to work.

The elderly, sick and newborns have to be protected.

If you live in a nursing home, you should be worried. Especially, if Saint Cuomo (D) packs in COVID patients into your nursing home.

Cargo Vessel Unloads Migrants in Sicily As Migrant Route Numbers Rise

Anonymous said...

What pandemic?

Cargo Vessel Unloads Migrants in Sicily As Migrant Route Numbers Rise

Democrats and other liberals are back at work.

Cargo Vessel Unloads Migrants in Sicily As Migrant Route Numbers Rise

Stephen Davenport said...

They wear the masks because of the bad air quality there in their cities, bad smog.

Anonymous said...

Here is a thought.

You cited facts. Biden chooses truth over facts. If Biden is elected, a Chinese style Uighur Laogai is in your future. Not to worry the liberal adopted laogai will be run with caring and dignity.

'We choose truth over facts' - Biden August 8, 2019

B.Poster said...

Masks capture germs. They have negative utility. The only utility they have is they make some people more comfortable. If they are more comfortable, perhaps we can boost their immune response enough to overcome the negative benefits of the masks!!

I keep multiple masks on hand for the purpose of keeping people comfortable. I hit my masks with alcohol multiple times daily in the hopes of minimizing the negative utility of these things. After all alcohol does kill pathogens!!

Anonymous said...

If humans were meant to wear masks.
We would be born with them.

We should learn to live with the differences each chooses to follow. We must not force others to be or do everything exactly like us.

Nothing in this life is Free! That is why I'm Infantry.


Anonymous said...

Ты кусок дерьма. ты пытаешься убить американцев потому что сосешь путинский член

Anonymous said...

Try English.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ты кусок дерьма. ты пытаешься убить американцев потому что сосешь путинский член

May 10, 2020 at 5:10 PM


You are a piece of shit. Are you trying to kill Americans because you suck Putin’s dick

Anon@5:10 is a clever as fuck.

Funny too.

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Jon said...

By putting alcohol on the mask you are ruining it. Study shows you can get a bit more life out of them with heat