Thursday, May 21, 2020

Northrop Grumman Reveals A New Mini Torpedo Aimed To Arm And Defend Navy Submarines

Northrop Grumman’s Very Lightweight Torpedo prototype being prepared next to its Acoustic Test Facility tank in Annapolis, Maryland.

Warzone/The Drive: Northrop Grumman Reveals New Mini Torpedo Aimed At Arming And Defending Navy Submarines

The mini-torpedoes could be a game-changer and are set to be fielded on Virginia class submarines in the next few years.

Northrop Grumman has built and tested a new Very Lightweight Torpedo, derived from an earlier U.S. Navy-funded design. The company says it will submit this weapon as an option for that service's Compact Rapid Attack Weapon program, which is looking to develop a miniature torpedo that can also act as anti-torpedo interceptor and field them first on some Virginia class submarines within the next three to four years.

The Virginia-headquartered defense contractor first revealed the weapon, also referred to by the abbreviation VLWT, on May 21, 2020. The firm says this is the first industry-built torpedo of its kind and that it privately funded the development. However, it is based on design documentation for a Common Very Lightweight Torpedo (CVLWT) that Pennsylvania State University's Applied Research Laboratory (PSU-ARL) had developed for the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and which the service had distributed to defense contractors in 2016. The War Zone had previously written a deep dive into the PSU-ARL design and its potential applications, which you can find here.

Read more ....

Update: Northrop Grumman Builds Very Lightweight Torpedo for U.S. Navy (Naval News)

WNU Editor: Anti-torpedo interceptor. Wow! What was once science-fiction is now about to become reality.


Jac said...

After some sleep, the US creativity machine is running.

Dave Goldstein said...

It's smaller than the tubes, I wonder how that works.

Anonymous said...

I hope someone thought to be aware of the hires working from from start to finish for this thing. Especially now that we've developed it and are showing it off for all to see and try and copy.

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Anonymous said...

Whenever western arms manufacturers post pictures you can be your ass that Chinese copy it. (And they never have to pay for theft even if they steal blueprints...Any and all leader of the West siding with China should be arrested for high treason. This includes the Canadian PM)

Layguy said...

Much like an apfsds round. Or a flechette. Probably has a sabot.