Thursday, May 21, 2020

Over 1,000 Israeli Websites Targeted In Major Cyber Attack

Pictured: The image that appeared on thousands of Israeli websites depicted Tel Aviv in flames was put there by a hacker ground calling itself 'Hackers of Savior'

Daily Mail/AFP: 1,000 Israeli websites are hacked to show images of Tel Aviv in flames and a message reading: 'The countdown to destruction has begun'

* The group responsible for the cyber attack calls themselves 'Hackers of Savoir'
* Cyber attack came the day before Israelis celebrate Jerusalem Day on May 22
* Jerusalem day marks when Israel captured the eastern part of the city in 1967
* Animosity between the two nations has been flaring on twitter in recent weeks

More than 1,000 Israeli websites were hit by a coordinated cyber attack on Thursday, with the home pages replaced by images of the country's commercial capital Tel Aviv in flames.

Israel's National Cyber Directorate said private companies using a particular operating system were targeted, but said the damage was 'superficial'.

It did not state the number of pages targeted but Israeli media reported it was more than 1,000, including those of major firms.

The pages were replaced with the slogan 'the countdown to the destruction of Israel started long ago'.

Read more ....

Update #1: Cyberattack: Anti-Israel message takes over multiple Israeli websites (Jerusalem Post)
Update #2: Israeli websites targeted in major cyber attack (AFP)

WNU Editor: This is a major attack. And considering the large number of websites targeted, I cannot help but think there is a state actor behind this attack.


Anonymous said...

"It is China.
Comes right after Chinese diplomat died of heart attack in Israel.
Don't mess with Israel, China."

That is why I posted a few days ago, that "I hoped he died of natural causes."

The host country may not have anything to do with a diplomat's death but would the diplomat's home country know that, believe it, or not take advantage of it?

My 1st thought was Saudi Arabia. My 2nd was Iran. But China could have done it also. Russia is a distant 4th. Israel is decrementing a Russian ally, Syria and making Russia look bad (air defense equipment).

Seeing as how Brennan is such a flaming liberal and a no doubt crapped out acolytes, who still live in the CIA. Make the CIA a distant runner up.

Anonymous said...

My money would be on Iran.

Jac said...

Well, I put my money on the Iran-China team.

Dave Goldstein said...

Iran via the norkes

Anonymous said...

Dave has a point.

Iran a and the Norks have worked closely together on their nuke programs. When there is a nukes test in NK, the Iranians are on site.

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Anonymous said...

My money on Digital Marketing