Friday, May 22, 2020

Pentagon Prepares For A Post-Covid-19 Future

NBC: Pentagon starts planning for military's post-COVID-19 future

A new planning group will also look at vulnerabilities the U.S. may face during the pandemic and where adversaries could try to take advantage.

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon's Joint Staff has launched a planning group focused on the U.S. military's long-term plans for operating during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, taking into account the likelihood that the defense budget may be cut and that troops may come home, according to three defense officials.

The group is examining how the military is postured around the world, whether it needs to focus more personnel or assets domestically, and where it needs to invest personnel and money to operate during and after COVID-19.

The group will look at possible vulnerabilities the U.S. may face during the pandemic and where adversaries could try to take advantage of the U.S. focus on COVID-19. At the same time, the group will determine what strategic advantages the U.S. can leverage as adversaries are also focused on the outbreak.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The pandemic is still very active. No one knows when it will end .... this summer, fall, next year? Planning on what to do next, and how to respond to possible threats, is a must. I am surprised that they are doing this only now.


Anonymous said...

"How staying indoors affects your immune system"

Researchers are now investigating whether vitamin D supplements could even reduce the risk of some of the severe complications associated with Covid-19.

Did the Soviets practice what they preached abut Vitamin D?

Vitamin D status of northern indigenous people of Russia leading traditional and “modernized” way of life


"The transition from seminomadic to post-traditional and “modernized” way of life has led to a decrease in the consumption of traditional foods among the indigenous people of the Russian Arctic. Our data support the notion that the traditional northern diet promotes healthy vitamin D levels, while adherence to the “western” type of diet correlates with a lower 25OHD concentration."

Poor diet Poorer Health Increased Death

Wu Flu is just a flu. It is a flu and to be taken seriously, but what we are seeing is a so far bloodless civil wear being fought in the US.

Any lockdown for more than 2 weeks was a political act intended to cause damage in a political war/.

Anonymous said...

Behind Trump’s demand to reopen churches: Slipping poll numbers and alarm inside his campaign

Trump was counting on widening support from white religious voters this fall. The pandemic is sending his numbers the other way.

The speed of transmission is an important point of difference between the two viruses. Influenza has a shorter median incubation period (the time from infection to appearance of symptoms) and a shorter serial interval (the time between successive cases) than COVID-19 virus. The serial interval for COVID-19 virus is estimated to be 5-6 days, while for influenza virus, the serial interval is 3 days. This means that influenza can spread faster than COVID-19.

Further, transmission in the first 3-5 days of illness, or potentially pre-symptomatic transmission –transmission of the virus before the appearance of symptoms – is a major driver of transmission for influenza. In contrast, while we are learning that there are people who can shed COVID-19 virus 24-48 hours prior to symptom onset, at present, this does not appear to be a major driver of transmission.

The reproductive number – the number of secondary infections generated from one infected individual – is understood to be between 2 and 2.5 for COVID-19 virus, higher than for influenza. However, estimates for both COVID-19 and influenza viruses are very context and time-specific, making direct comparisons more difficult.

Anonymous said...

Someone, a hardcore socialist, is not looking at how the deaths are clustered. That would require analysis, which would require a brain.

A person could look at a graph similar to a population pyramid. The x axis instead of being sex(male/female) would be the number of COVID deaths. Visually, it would tell a lot of information at a glance. Instead of a your bulge you would see an elderly bulge.

Saw my elderly parents in person a day ago. They were very chipper. I am not really that worried about them. They do not have diabetes, hypertension, obesity, etc.

We have more people dying of suicide due to a bad economy that that evil, no good rotten, hair brained Democrats sheeped everyone into than corona,

To be Honest Democrats do not really care how many people die. they pretend to. They just want Donald Trump gone.

Why did we go into lockdown?

So hospitals would not be overwhelmed. They never were.

Why do Democrats still want lockdown?

They want the America people to cry "Uncle" and elect them instead of Republicans. They do not care how many people die. The Democrats will hurt people and murder people until they get their way.

A Fox News meteorologists went on air to describe how Governor Cuomo murdered her inlaws in cold blood. They put COVID patients into nursing homes on purpose. Cuomo could have used the Javits center. or the Hospital ship or just about anywhere that was not a nursing home. but he chose a nursing him, because he was a cheap ass tightwad or he wanted people dead.

Every Democrats should spend their last year or two in a nursing home ... Like this one

Nursing Home Abuser Arrested After Posting Viral Video of Horrific Crime

Anonymous said...

"The CDC admitted this week that the mortality ratio for the COVID-19 virus is simlar to the mortality rate of 1957-1958 flu pandemic.">

Anonymous said...

I am right.

Anonymous said...

"Update: Oh oh. Results from Europe are starting to come in, and they show that “the relative strictness of a country’s containment measures had little bearing” on the death rate .... The Results of Europe’s Lockdown Experiment Are In (Bloomberg)."

I am right ... right




You are wrong, wrong,


wrong ...