Sunday, May 10, 2020

President Trump Meets The Joint Chiefs Of Staff And His National Security Team At The White House Last Night

WNU Editor: President Trump met the Joint Chiefs of Staff and his national security team at the White House Saturday evening. The subject of the meeting was not disclosed. This meeting was originally set for Camp David, but was changed for the White House. The reason for the change of location was disclosed.

The people who attended were the following:

The White House
President Donald J. Trump
Mark Meadows, Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff
Robert O’Brien, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
LTG Keith Kellogg, Assistant to the President and National Security Advisor to the Vice President

Trump Administration
Secretary Mike Pompeo, Department of State
Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Department of the Treasury
Secretary Mark Esper, Department of Defense
Acting Director Richard Grenell, Director of National Intelligence
General Mark A. Milley, USA, 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
General John E. Hyten, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
General David L. Goldfein, USAF, Chief of Staff of the Air Force
General David H. Berger, USMC, Commandant of the Marine Corps
General James C. McConville, USA, Chief of Staff of the Army
Admiral Karl L. Schultz, USCG, Commandant of the Coast Guard
General John W. Raymond, USSF, Chief of Space Operations

The press were permitted to come in and take pictures at the end of the meeting. No questions were taken, but President Trump remarked that it was a very productive session at which they discussed “various things”. Everyone noticed that he was not in a talkative mood.

Here are the brief remarks by the President .... Remarks by President Trump During a Meeting with Senior Military Leadership and National Security Team (Whitehouse).

So what was discussed? I do not know. But looking at the body language of everyone in the room, and the body language of the President himself, it must have been a sobering discussion.

Does anyone have any thoughts on what was discussed?


copley7 said...

Discussion points:

1. China
2. Iran
3. Pandemic

Anonymous said...

Declaration of marshal law.

Anonymous said...

copley7 probably has it. Speaking of body language, there's a very good chance that a decision has been made and it's apparently a big one. The key may be in the seating.

Anonymous said...

A further clue is the papers in front of each participant. These are not papers brought to the meeting by each person, these are papers distributed by Trump (White House) for each person's review and commentary. If you look closely at the ones in front of Mnuchin they seem to have been signed and counter signed. All of the papers in front of people seem to be the same. The amount of papers tends one to believe it is either an announcement or a policy declaration, not detailed planning documents.

Anonymous said...

Brennan arrested as a treasonous weasel.

Unknown said...

I doubt they discussed iran. I would guess possibly 1) The coup against the President & the reaction
2) Covid 19 & China. 🤔

Jeffsmith said...

Venezuela is my guess.

Anonymous said...

Venezuela is getting money by mining for gold. The gold is collected by using poisonous metals to aggregate it and therefor destroying the forest.

Why not send spec ops into the jungle and round of the gold miners and kick that last leg of financial support out from under Maduro.

The coastline is nailed down by Cubans, Russian, Iranians and Venezuelan socialists and Venezuelan forced slaves. Without much of a budget I doubt Maduro could project much force into the southern jungle.

Helos are hungry and Maduro does not have much of a budget.

3 spec ops guys would last longer in the jungle than on the coast of the Caribean. And do more good.

War News Updates Editor said...

Good point Anon at 10:46
The signed papers tells everyone that a decision is made.
Any discussion and debate is over.

The US Secretary of State is there, as well as the Treasury Secretary. So this decision involves the military, State Department, and the economy/money.

Something big is about to happen.

Anonymous said...

Brennan is going to be found in Fort Marcy Park with a pistol of a make that he owns, but of the wrong finish/color and in the wrong hand?

I am sure Hillary can guide some fellow Democrat on how to do it.

Dave Goldstein said...

Probably invading Vene. Look at where any of our ships are. Any where near and that will tell you. Cuba's probably involved also. This news didn't it onto the big networks.

Anonymous said...

Brennan is going to be found in Fort Marcy Park with a pistol of a make that he owns, but of the wrong finish/color and in the wrong hand?

I am sure Hillary can guide some fellow Democrat on how to do it.

Anonymous said...

Invading Venezuela would bring us into conflict with Russia. Not good. At least not easy and not to be undertaken lightly.

There is a chance that Russia is as through with china s the US is. Maybe invading Venezuela can wait?

Maduro thoroughly deserves to be thrown out. The Regime has involved itself in running drugs to the US at the highest levels. It has supported FARC against its neighbor Columbia, It has designs on Guyana. It is in bed with Cuba and Iran. The regime needs to be defeated, but is it worth it now?

Do we want to antagonize Russia with dead Russian soldiers.

Maybe if the Democrats had not been firemen arsonists with shampeachment Venezuela, Iran and other problems would already have been solved. Rome often took advantage of and was taken advantage of Civil War. The US is in a civil war. Venezuela, Iran and other proxies took full advantage of it.

Anonymous said...

Trump seems very confident about leaks from this meeting.

Clodpate said...

From the grim faces, perhaps he informed the uniformed chiefs that he has to cut their budgets, or at a minimum close many of the US's overseas bases?

Anonymous said...

Trump is a CEO. The Democrats put us in lockdown. What else is Trump suppose to do?

Print money?

Russian cut its military budget 2 years ago due to the economy and revenue.

Military power depends in part on economic health.

The US has no economic health because they have been scaremongering the Fuck out of COVID all the while people are figuring how they can make the most money out of it by disparaging off patent medicine and touting patented medicine. COVID is widespread like the cold, but it doesn't kill many young people. There are effective treatments for it. If you want to act all knowledgeable like a worthless news anchor you can use the word therapeutics instead of treatments. It makes you look or sound smart!

The PPE is getting sorted out, the treatments are good and we know, who and who not to quarantine. So all we need to do is go back to work. When we work, we pay taxes. When taxes are paid, the most vulnerable can be helped.

But somehow Dumbocrats believe that money grows on a money tree.