Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Coronavirus Pandemic In The Middle East Will Intensify The Region's Unrest And Conflicts

Jeremy Bowen, BBC: Coronavirus stokes Middle East boiling points

The Middle East has many reasons to fear the coronavirus pandemic, but it has one big advantage when it comes to resisting it. Most people in the region are young.

A rough average is that at least 60% are under the age of 30. That makes them less susceptible to developing Covid-19, the illness that has killed so many people in countries with older populations.

Most governments in the region saw what was happening elsewhere and had time to impose curfews and social distancing measures.

But that is where the Middle East's advantages end. Years of strife in the world's least stable region have left weaknesses that the pandemic is sure to deepen.

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WNU Editor: The economies of the Middle East have been obliterated by this global shutdown, and any hope of a better future that many may have gone with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No economies needed to be shut down.

1/3rd of all deaths in the US and other countries were in nursing homes. Special care needed to be taken there and in many cases they were not like in Massachusetts and New York. 75% of my grandparents died at home. The other spent maybe a week in the hospital. I would wish nursing homes on dyed-in-the-wool liberals. Liberals like Barthole need to be warehoused in nursing homes, liberal, impersonal industrial strength nursing homes, where they sing paean of praise for Great Leader and la Revolucion.

To ‘Save The Children,’ Harvard Magazine Calls For The Abolition Of The Family

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Journalistic, academic, non-profit, advocacy group and political idiots want to warehouse kids almost as soon as they come out of the womb so that they can mold them not perfect liberals/communists. So yea, liberals need to spend their last days under the care of younger liberals in industrial strength nursing homes. I don't know what the lyrics are for songs praising the Great Leader(s) are. Resident commie, where I live, will not divulge them. Something about hating the brain washing by a liberal regime. Brings back bad memories.